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<img src="http://www.gamespy.com/previews/february02/wow/northshire2.jpg“>

<a href=”http://www.gamespydaily.com/“>GameSpy Daily</a> eru komnir með exclusive preview af World of Warcraft. Einnig eru þar nokkur skjáskot(sjá skot að ofan)

Hérna er smá quote úr því:

<i>”We wanted to steer away from the realism of it all. We wanted World of Warcraft to have a storybook look and feel to it. So while you're exploring Azeroth and its neighboring lands, you'll notice that it's more colorful and vibrant. You can even go as to say its more cartoon like.“</i>

Endilega kíkjið á þetta <a href=”http://www.gamespy.com/previews/february02/wow/">hér</a>.

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