The update could not be applied.
The patch “base\signaturefile” could not be applied. (CRC mismatch: expected 0x3075bc52, actual 0xbb716ab0.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::PTCApply)
To check this installation for problems, click the “Repair” button. The Repair tool can automatically fix many update errors.

þetta kom up á skjáinn þegar ég var buin með 73% af downloading. Er buin að prófa að repair en það virkar ekki. það tekur örugglega ógeðslega mikinn tima að reinstalla wow. hefur einhver annar feingið þetta?
I'd rather you hate me for everything I am