Ég ætla aðeins að grafa undan ykkur því ég er svo skemmtilegur.



Þriðji hluti parts 5 B.
(iii) host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Game or intercept, emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Blizzard Entertainment in any way, including, without limitation, through protocol emulation, tunneling, packet sniffing, modifying or adding components to the Game, use of a utility program or any other techniques now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, unauthorized network play over the Internet, network play utilizing commercial or non-commercial gaming networks or as part of content aggregation networks; or

Og hér sjáið þið hvernig model editing er exploitað.


Það væri gaman að sjá þessa grein frá Baldone vera samþykkta því þá gætum við allt eins farið að leyfa auglýsingu á sölu accounta aftur.