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As in accordance to the EULA

if and as far as necessary to operate the Service in accordance with the terms contained herein, in particular to keep a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience for all players Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to modify or delete Game Data;

If this is the case, your customers have strongly objected to the inbalance and unejoyable nature of the recent content.

Zombies are level 60+ which are attacking the cap cities. This is breaking the balance element of the content as level 1 to 55 players, techinally can not take part in this conent of the game and this content is designed for higher end level players, in lower end zones and gaming areas. This is a inbalance.

Customers have posted in general discusion and made their objections noted, this is not enjoyable content for the level ranges previously mentioned. this post is but just one of the said complaints.

Your pledge is to make this enjoyable for ALL PLAYERS, as a customer i feel that you have failed to meet the requirements of the EULA under this section.

Afhverju í fjandanum eru þessir aumingjar að kvarta? Fólk er búið að hafa þrjú til fjögur ár til þess að sitja í sínum safe-zones og vera carebears og svo endist þetta bara í nokkrar vikur.

Eini munurinn er að núna þarf fólk að nota mainana sína til að heimsækja AH. Þessir zombies drepa enga spilara með snefil af sjálfsvirðingu. Svo hef ég ekki einu sinni séð þá inni í borgum, bara við innganga og fyrir utan.