Very disgruntled.
Diablo 3 ekki nógu 'real'?
Fann ÞENNAN undirskriftalista fyrr í dag, hvað finnst ykkur? Ætti Diablo 3 að vera meira gritty og real AKA gray and dark?
There's a lot of criticism floating around right now about D3 looking or feeling cartoony; I think that's just people needing something to complain about. If you look back at what people were saying when we were developing D2, you'll see the same sort of of complaints. During development of D2, we were constantly asked whether D2 was going to be a 3D game, and we said no, because the technology in 1997 when we started game development wasn't there yet; polygonal realtime 3D still had a lot of technical limitations, which meant we couldn't achieve the look we wanted for the game. When the game released was in 2000, the first thing reviewers tended to mention was the 2D sprite based game, but it didn't matter, because it looked as good (or better) than any 3D game on the market at the time.
Ólíkt vanvitunum sem að eru að reyna að tjá sig hérna þá er ég sammála þessu að öllu leyti.