Wow frosnar þegar eg fer í portal!
Wow frosnar þegar eg fer í portal! hefur einhver lent í þessu?
I've been having this problem since the 10.5.2 Apple Software Update.
Any time I change zones (go through a portal, walk into or out of an instance, hearth, or basically anytime there needs to be a loading screen) my UI will freeze and jump for quite a while before it seems to stabilize. After the game has stabilized and I can play again, the latency has always jumped up at least 1000ms.
If I change the game into windowed mode, I can see that my Airport connection is dropping and reconnecting repeatedly as the game is freezing and unfreezing. While the game is freezing and unfreezing after a zoning, my mouse freezes as well, and my TeamSpeak conversations freeze and unfreeze with the game.
Somehow, when I zone, my computer repeatedly disconnects and then reconnects to my wireless network, locking up my entire system as this is happening.
I have tried removing all addons and trashing my WTF folder but the problem remains unchanged.
This is a wireless problem only, and does not happen when I am wired into the router using ethernet. Unfortunately, I am not able to use my ethernet connection often, if at all.
I am using a 2Ghz Core 2 Duo MacBook with 1GB of RAM.
My network card is an AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x87) running wireless card firmware version 1.3.4.
Is anyone else experiencing a problem like this?
If so, is there anything you have done that successfully corrected this problem?
Thanks for the help!
David Magnus
What is the brand/model of your router? If it's a wireless only issue, then it would either lie with the network card or the router. You may want to contact the router maker to verify it's running on the latest firmware.