Ekkert mál :)
Já, 415 defense þýðir að mobbar/bossar geta ekki crittað þig, en þú getur samt tekið crushing blow.
Auðvitað geta playerar í PvP ennþá crittað þig þrátt fyrir allt saman.
[Random-shit-boss] melee [You] 4500(C). í combat log.
^4500^ - í scrolling combat-text.
Classar sem geta blockað eru þeir einu sem geta komið í veg fyrir crushing blow.
Bætt við 26. febrúar 2008 - 11:20 Ég var að lesa wowwiki og þar er þetta sagt:
With Survival of the Fittest (a talent point that and feral tank should have), you need a Defense skill of 415 to be uncrittable. This is of critical importance for a feral tank as a bear can never become immune to Crushing Blows. Any defense over the cap of 415 is largely wasted.
S.s 415 defense miðast við að hafa “Survival of the Fittest” talentinn.
Druids can reach the highest levels of raw damage mitigation through armor. At 35,880 armor, a feral tank will reach the 75% cap for damage mitigation from armor.
35880 armor er armor cappið í bearform.
An important not is, that to get crit immune, resilience is also a good option for a bear tank, as 39.4 resilience gives the same crit chance reduction as 25 defense. This means roughly that 40 resilience equals 60 defense rating for a level 70 character. Resilience does not give dodge like defense does, but is often easier to obtain and cheaper in Blizzards item budget so overall a slightly better way to get crit immune as stacking defense rating.
Ég vissi ekki að 40 Resilience væri u.þ.b. sama og 60 defense í PvE.