honor fuck!!!
ok, hvaða helvítis fuck var þetta?!! ég var kominn með vel yfir 3000 í honor enn fékk aðeins 1000!!! ég er ekki sáttur!! einhver sem veit af hverju þetta var?
Of mörg línubil í undirskrift. Vinsamlegast hafið ekki fleiri en 4. [Vefstjóri]
There is a difference between the honour really won and the estimated honour gain in the PvP tab of your character window. This difference is due to a display problem. The honour won is the correct amount. The estimated honour display tends to show a higher value for these three reasons.
1. The amount of honour given by the daily PvP quest is accurate. But due to a display issue, once the quest is turned in, if you zone into an instance, arena, battleground, etc., the honour display will have gone up without reason (generally between 400 and 600 points but sometimes more).
2. Killing another player several times gets you diminishing returns. Each subsequent kill after the initial kill yields 10% less honour, until the reward eventually reaches zero. Note that the Honour calculations that appear in-game do not take these diminishing returns into account.
3. The daily calculation that computes the honour gained runs during the night (sometime between midnight and 2 AM). But your character is only updated if you quit the game (or are disconnected). Thus, if you play at the same time as the calculation is running and you quit the game after the script is over, the honour points you won will be accurately calculated but your estimated honour points will display as zero, even if you have won honour in the time lapse between the script has finished running and you quit the game. Those honour points are although taken into account and will be added to your usable honour points total the next day.
All these reasons explain the difference between honour gained and honour estimated. Rest assured the honour you win is always accurately calculated.