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sorry hvað kaflinn kemur seint var að dimmitera í gær.
87th chapter revalation

There is a certain dramatic romance in holding a dying loved one in your arms. Time slows down until it moves at a crawl, words become muffled, everything seems to glow with instensity never seen before and the air becomes easier to breath. It is a moment that seems to last forever,a glimpse of eternity. And for that moment it seems as if things will never change. That your loved one will be dying forever, that you will forever hold him in your hands and look at their last smile. But as all things this moment passes and the existence of others becomes apparent. Cries of help invade you ears, and other hands take hold. Suddenly you are not alone in the world
but rather a part of a group that is doing their best to help but keeps thinking: what now?
Time moves to its normal crawl,and Wisim awakes with his hands full of blood. Manvalas rushed throught he druids taking hold of sira’dreth and running to anearby circle of stones.
“HURRY UP WITH THE FUCKING BANDAGES!” He screamed leaving Wisim looking at his hands in rage and confusion. What excactly had happened?
He saw Manvalas putting sira’dreth on a table in the circle of stones and ran to them.
Twenty spells were being cast, lightnings jolted through sira’dreths body to keep her heart beating and hundreds of druids were running towards them to do what they could. But Mizra had done more than cutting her. She had drained her life force beyond hope. The heart may beat from electricity but the will was gone. She was a body in the hands of hundreds . her soul all but gone.

Finally the memories faded and illidan’s pathetic visage went away from him in haze of screams and maniac laughter. He was disoriented, confused and dizzy. He didn’t feel real or coherent. He tried to stand up, but all power had left him. His world was gone in chaos. A mixture of strange voices and the beating of mighty wings. He fell asleep on the floor,dreaming of utopia and Illidan the mentor.

For an hour they kept her alive through mouth to mouth, through lightnings and spells of rejunivation.for an hour they fought on, the druids almost more intense than Wisim in helping her. He wondered why they were so insisted on keeping her alive. But then he kept on looking at his dying daughter digging in his mind for any spell that could help them.
An hour passed. And then came the beatings of mighty wings from afar. Every beat was a thunder in the ears of Wisim and he coverd them trying to block them out.
But Manvalas looked to the sky , whispering from under his breath: “finally.”

It is a special sight to see one of the aspects in front of you. It is a spectacle countless poets have tried to put in words. The magnificence of something so large and majestic is something few mortals will never see and fewer can imagine.

Ysera, the aspect of nature, flew gracefully towards the valley of the druids. Each beat a thunder in the clouds. However graceful she was however she was a dragon so massive that her wings cast shadow on a large part of elune’ara. A great rumble broke the earth beneath her feet as she landed and reminded onlookers that such a sight was something their grandchildren would speak with reverence.

As soon as her feet touched shebowed her head over sira’dreths body. Her sleeping eyes sharpened when she saw the state of her body.
She spoke with a voice of the wind: “what happened here? Who has broken the code?”
Manvalas stepped away from the kneeling druids and said in a draconic tonque: one of our own. The heir of the life binder. We don’t know why but she attacked the heir of the earth warder.
Ysera looked at sira’dreth and saw her ailment, “there is nothing I can do, save prolong her life for a few days. Only alekstraza could save her now. Or her heir.”
Wisim felt all of sira’dreths wounds close with incredible force of will.he looked at the dragon as if he had just taken notice of the massive beast.
All was silent for a second.
What the hell is going on? He asked, just realizing what a massive event it was that one of the aspects would come to their aid. Since the beginning of time the aspects had been most obscure,letting no one come close to them or their mission in preserving the world. And now one of them had come to save a blood elf? That was not unlikely, it was nothing short of impossible. Yet he stood now in front of ysera of the green flight
“Yes you do not understand. I know. That is the problem with my comrades. This endless need for secrecy. But it ends today. Before you go after the betrayer you must understand what you fight for”.
Exen’tor came into view as he walked out of the mansion, his world in ruins.
He saw the dragon, it was kind of hard to miss, and felt a strange feeling creep through his spine. The feeling that nothing would ever be the same.

The druids were summoned away and given strict orders to keep their ears and eyes away from the circle where Sira’dreth lay.night was coming. A fire crackled in the center. Exen’tor didn’t really sit, he stood by one of the columns, his eyes dazed, Wisim however sat upright his eyes moving from his daughter and the dragon before him. Ysera stood in front of them ,transformed into a young blood elf woman, with Manvalas at her side.
“How does one begin a story such as this?” She said.
“In the beginning of our world we ,the five aspects,were chosen by the titans to safeguard and police Azeroth through the ages and to protect it from the remaining ancient gods.
We were given immortality and almost eternal power. And we were told that while our lives would remain forever, our powers would not. Power of this magnitude should not reamin in the hands anyone for too long. So we were given the task of finding our heirs when the world could no longer be saved by our hand.That time came ten thousand years ago when we could not lift a finger to prevent the invasion of the Burning Legion.
But because of Neltharion and his betrayal we could not let the power move on. We had to be united in doing sucha drastic thing and leaving Neltharion on his own while we were weakening was out of the question. Also much of our powers were bound within the dragon soul so moving our powers would have been impossible. So Neltharion became Deathwing and we were forced to wait while the world took a turn to the worse.
Until the day of the dragon,When the dragon soul was broken and our power restored. We hunted down Deathwing and kept him prisoner in Alekstraazas lair in the wetlands.
While we prepared to force him to give up his powers he gave us the startling answer that he would gladly help us with the task. So we began searching. we searched both high and low. We searched the souls of humans and found them to be to chaotic. We searched the souls of orcs and found them to be too proud. We searched the souls of trolls, ogres and many others but found them to be too evil to protect the world or too peaceful to do what was necessary. Until we found the race of blood elves rising from the ashes of the elven kingdom.
There was a race with nothing to lose but their lives. Knowing fullwell what could happen if they let down their guard for one second,they knew that if something needed to be done it was to be done with full force. Never backing down, not even against their former allies they would fight,flee and die for their cause of survival.
And in their midst we found you. The perfect group. A family of friends hardened by common strive against fate.and even when you were lost to us in outland we waited until you returned. When you portal exploded we grabbed each one of you and placed you where Nozdormu told us you would fare best. And we planted the key to our powers in the form of poems Nozdormu said would serve as warnings of the future.
Slowly you’ve been revealed more of our powers, greater control of you abilities, flight or the ability to walk the merald dream.
According to Nozdormu telling you of these plans would end up in catastrophic battles when you wpuld become spoiled and corrupted by the power. So all except Manvalas was thrown into the world where you would be tested to your fullest. Manvalas became an exception because I needed him to battle the nightmare of the emerald dream.without him the dream would have been lost long ago.
You became our heirs. You are thew new aspects, chosen to see the world to its end. And now your team appears to have failed its purpose. A fracture created in the team so soon is something we didn’t anticipate.”
The fire crackled once again.
Exen’tor was listening but it didn’t make any sense. They were the new aspects. That much was clear and on any given Sunday he probably could have dealt with it. But today his world was in tatters. His mind was on a highway madness.
they were the new aspects. And they had already failed their job.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.