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85th chapter whatever comes next

The sky began to clear. The final infernals fell from the sky in droves. Little rays of light broke through the clouds and shone like pillars of sun in the dark valley, bringing the forces of nature hope and assured them that powers beyond their knowledge were watching over them.
In front of the petrified ancients, there stood a group of friends, a team left for dead, finally reunited. And in the middle there stood the single most powerful creature in the world, with a sword through his chest.
Exen’tor pulled the sword out of Arthas’s body, leaving a small wound in his back. He saw as something black began to run down and on the ground. Exen’tor felt the sword becoming white hot and let it fall down, where it bounced off the ground, landed and then scorched the ground and burned through, digging itself down.
Arthas stood still, Frostmourne in hand.
“You have truly grown in your use of your abilities” he said in a shallow yet spiteful voice.
There was silence for a second.
Arthas took a shallow breath and said: “I’ll be back, whatever may come, know that i will forever be your enemy.”
Ankthar did not wait one second for another chance and launched himself at the lich king, axe raised high.
A golden ball appeared around him and Arthas said: “we will meet again, and that will be the last time, betrayer.”
He raised his sword up high and began to recite an incantation.
“Quick get him before he teleports” Exen’tor shouted as he let lose a stream of sand and shadow.
Elements fell upon the golden ball, ice, fire,magic,sand and iron.
The most powerful spells and abilities in their arsenal fell upon the ball to no effect.
“I AM YOUR DOOM! I AM YOUR VICTOR!I AM THE FINAL SOLUTION TO THE WORLD!” Arthas screamed as Frostmourne began to glow heavily with energy.
Then with a sharp thunder from the sky, he was gone, leaving nothing but the wind that whispered into the ears of them all: you will all meet me one last time.

And with that the battle of Irontree woods was over. The final infernal fallen. The undead army nothing but rubble on the scorched earth. A gate between the worlds was opened in the blasted lands, Arthas defeated and wounded for the first time and the gatekeepers finally reunited. Manvalas fell down where he stood. Already asleep on the way down, the rest of them cheered under the clearing sky with the rest of nature. It was a bright day that dawned after the night of the burning crusade.

A week of invasion began. Out from the portal poured felguards voidwalkers and all manners of demons. Lord Kazzak vanished from the tainted scar to be replaced b his comrade Higlord Kruul who immediately began a series of invasions. The demons would have felled all before them had it not been for the people Azeroth who rose as one, to overcome the invaders. The argent down fought by blood and bones with both the horde and the alliance to defend against the seemingly invincible enemy.
A week of invasions, battles, raids and world shaking demons. By the end the demons were finally pushed back where the heroes of Azeroth poured through in the same manner as the demons did before. The dark portal was open and outland lay bare for plunder for the denizens of Azeroth.
All past atrocities were forgotten, the horde and the alliance made a silent truce, in the following week no one was killed by either main power as they fortified their position on the new continent. It was a new age for the people of Azeroth.

Except for maybe five of them who slept for the majority of the first week.
Every one of the gatekeepers had used their powers to their fullest and far beyond that.
Exen‘tor was the first one to wake up. The sun shone in his eyes and with tired eyes he rose up for the first time in three days.
From the druids he received news of what was happening in the world. At first he was frightened for the fate of the world, but after seeing his friends all peacefully asleep he decided that not much mattered beyond that.
He joined Ankthar in his elven form on the balconies of their borrowed mansion in moonglade. Ankthar had several injuries, both major and minor, but he did not suffer from the gatekeepers fatigue. The axe he had wielded with such strength was nowhere to be seen. In fact both of his hands were covered in bandages with noticeable swelling. Competing with Arthas in terms of strength had never been a good idea.
Exen‘tor sat down with the tea he had received from one of the druids.
“Hello there” he said as he sat down.
“Hello Ankthar” answered, “welcome on your feet.”
Thanks mate, so tell me what‘s been happening while we‘ve slept?
Ankthar took a sip of whatever drink he had in the mug and watched the waves of lake Elun‘ara.
Apparently we doomed the world.
“I heard, well at least we‘ll be going out of here by now, so it wont matter.”
“Yeah don‘t you remember? We were gathering together to warn Illidan about Arthas.”
Ankthar looked at him with surprise in his eyes.
“You mean that they haven‘t told you?”
“Told me what?”
“Never mind, its really not my place.”
There was silence as they each felt the peace of moonglade wash over them. This sacred spot was filled with inner peace Exen’tor had never felt before. Maybe it was the fact that his task was at last finished, the old team reunited at last.
He looked at Ankthar and remembered.
“What was that axe?How could you suddenly become as strong as Arthas?”
Ankthar bit his lip and looked Exen‘tor in the eye.
“My father had a bit royal blood in his veins.Actually a it more than a bit. And he was a bit of a wild one. After i was born he put me in care with some distant relatives in vilalge in quel‘thalas. Because of my dwarfen blood i was never really accepted in the community. Then….”
Ankthar closed his eyes and forced his mouth to talk.
“Then.. after the war i was the only surviving member of the village. I stayed on a nearby mountaintop until i met you. But the axe is my.. heirloom.. you might say. It was given to me without words or directions by my father after the war.
He died soon after that, but the axew remained. I can only use it when its powers are really needed. So i guess that that time its powers were truly needed.”
Exen‘tor took a sip of the tea and said: “heh my dad was the same, just some guy rolling through town during a festival. Never saw him, don‘t think he was royalty but he you never know.” He smiled and said: “Prince Exen‘tor. That sounds good.”
Ankthar finished his drink and left the mug.
Exen‘tor noticed that his hands were clenched white and he seemed shaken.
Exen‘tor just awake, gave it little though but felt the inner peace flow through him.
The world might be doomed but today seemed clear and beautiful.
The days after Sira’dreth and Wisim awoke, joining Ankthar on the balconies of the mansion of Moonglade. But Mizra and Manvalas remained asleep, Manvalas fighting the nightmare of the emerald dream and Mizra dreaming something else entirely.

Her dreams were dark journeys through history and knowledge. She knew what she was. And she knew exactly what she had to do.
Whatever came next was history.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.