81th chapter
we’ll be there

His head was throbbing, he could feel his heart pound the blood though his body and every beat hurt. A darkness lay over him, a multitude of sounds, voices beyond his hearing thundered all around. He saw Ankthars face in front of him, eyes closed in agony, and whimpers escaping his closed mouth.
Wisim grunted as he held his hands to his head, the pain was mind numbing and it didn’t stop, it would never stop he was sure of it. He knew the pain wasn’t coming from within, he could sense that, so it had to be coming from outside. He had to stop the pain, he had to stop it , he had to stop it now!
With a massive amount of concentration he formed a shield, more complex than he had ever made, blocking all streams and spells coming at his mind.
Wisim felt the pain subside, his senses coming to him, the voices suddenly silenced.
He saw Ankthar’s face twisted in pain, his eyes closed and his mouth gaping. Wisim reached out his hand and touched his head. He felt the stream of darkness and corruption flow freely to Ankthar’s mind and with added concentration and power he conjured the same shield around his mind.
Ankthar felt his sense and sanity returning to him, and saw Wisim as he stood slowly up. Wisim grabbed his hand and pulled him up with him, unnoticed by Arthas and sworddevil who were watching the battle in the sky with a gleeful smile.
Wisim blinked and they were gone.

Exen’tor hopelessly watched the sisters battle each other with no effect, in a battle like this intervening or stopping was more than just saying it. He would need Manvalas’ help. he took his hand and turned him to the other side facing up.
“I’ll need you”, he said.
“Too bad”, Manvalas replied,” I’m not taking another sip of that mana potion.”
“No worries, it’s something worse”, Exen’tor said with a smile, “remember our trick in the outlands?”
“Ah hell no, I’d rather die man, I’d rather drink that mana potion!”
“Too bad, you’ve got no choice, take my normal energy, I have enough pools as of now.”
Exen’tor put his hand on Manvalas’ face and gathered some energy there.
Manvalas felt the energy ball tickling his face, and said:” just so you know, you owe me a mug the size of your head at the next bar for this.”
Exen‘tor opened all shields on his mana and said, “only if you remember it.”
During their many battles they had spent such a great deal of time using their magic together their energy had slowly tuned into each other’s frequency to the point where they could blend and mix their energies together.
This technique however was extremely painful for them both.
As Manvalas once said to impress Sira’dreth, ” imagine if you will that every, single nerve in your body suddenly decided that it was time to pick up and leave through a tiny little door in your hand that was cut by a blunt and rusty hammer.”
They stared each other in the eye while the energy was flowing between them, a contest of who would be the first one to break and cry out in agony until the pain had gone far beyond a screaming point.
Wisim stood by them as Exen’tor recharged Manvalas, eyes glowing blue watching his daughters fight with devastating ferocity. If it would not have dissipated in his eyes a tear would have been trickling down his face.
At last Mizra was sure of all her revelations so far, history was sure to repeat itself. It always would in one way or the other.
She charged up a frostbolt and let it go. Fire suddenly spawned from the air and assailed it, burned and melted until it was only water in the air.
Sira’dreth was glowing with energy as she began yet another rain of fire upon Mizra, which Mizra dodged and blocked with ice,
“This can’t go on she thought to herself; we can go on like this for hours, without end.
I’ll need to use that technique, even if it means her death.”
The spell was already in her mind, and the preparation were beginning.
All she needed was a single molecule.
It was a spell they all learned of in the academy, a mock spell they called it, to show the students the limits of magic.
All heat was based upon the movements of molecules, and by increasing or decreasing the speed of them a fire or ice bolts were made.
And theoretically if one were to grab hold of one molecule, to stop its movements completely was to create the perfect frost spell. A bolt of such complete frost that nothing could ever live to survive it.
But as everyone knew, it was impossible.

Mizra held out her hand and found her molecule. A single entity in the cold air surrounding her.
She dodged a fireball and found another one. A few seconds that was all she needed, a few seconds to clench the molecule stuck.
Sira’dreth was not giving her this time, with a continuous stream of fire.
Mizra grunted and released the spell, letting it dissipate into the air.
She needed to distract her for enough time to complete it, something massives, something from the sky, something…..
Exen’tors hand touched her shoulder, ripping away from the direction of one particulary big fireball.Wisim floated by him, wings of pure arcane energy
T”hanks My dear. “Wisim said, as touched her head and conjured a mind shield, “I have a way to stop her, we just need to get close to her.”
Mizra conjured a wall of ice to stop the barrage, “no she said, there’s no way to stop her we have to…” but they were off, already joining forces with Manvalas who was running atop a floor of mud that seemed to grow out of the pillar, strong as steel.

Sira’dreth saw the trio coming at her and focused her attention on them, shooting streams of lava at her friends. Exen’tor shot out a stream of sand to counter it, Manvalas used the sand run towards her. The lava hardened in mid air and Manvalas’ used the opportunity too jump at her molten body. His hand sizzled and burned as he held tight onto her shoulders growing leafs and roots all over her. Binding her down. They began to fall, as Sira’dreths eyes became darker and darker, her screams more of a siren than an elf.
Wisim was there and so was Exen’tor pacifying her, using Mesfers powers to slowly draw her powers.
Mizra floated high up in the air, her hand clenching and her mouth whispering: “idiots”
Wisim touched her head and was struck by the amount of corruption in his daughters mind, how close she was to becoming a part of the scourge.
He forced the shield up, against all laws of magic felt as her minds was cleansed and her thoughts became her own. They landed with a blast the shook the valley.
And as the dust settled and both armies looked upon the four elves in the middle of the valley, Sira’dreth coughed heavily and asked: what just happened?
They got to you Exen’tor said. We’ve found a way to disable their effects.
Sira’dreth wiped the sweat from her brow.
“Remember the gatekeeper code?”
Wisim pulled her head out the mud and said: as clearly as when we were first told it:
“When heroes fail” Manvalas said as he pulled himself together.
“When hope shines dim”. Exen’tor responded.
“When fire falls from the sky”. Wisim said as well.
“When friendship turns to dust”, Sira’dreth said as she stood up.
Mizra came down, her wings moving slowly, her feet had hardly touched the ground as she rushed and hugged Sira’dreth and finished the code:
“We’ll be there”.
Exen’tor pulled Manvalas up who said: despite what one might think of Illidan, he never was much of a poet.
They smiled at each other as they turned to face the undead army that was slowly coming in view from the dust.
Exen’tor let Mesfer take over, his skin growing demonically green, Manvalas forced as much power from nature as he could, Sira’dreth became molten once again and Mizra and Wisim raised their wings and readied their spells.
And less than a hundred meters away from them Arthas unsheathed his sword in rage.
They would pay for their insolence. They would pay dearly.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.