Flying mounts in Northrend

Vaneras (Euro Blue Poster) just made a post to answer a players question commonly adressed on official forums regarding the possibility or not to use flying mounts in Azeroth:

Flying mounts will be available in Northrend.

However, it has not yet been decided if they will be available as soon as you get there or how far into your exploration you will be soaring through the icy skies.

The reason for the potential delay in free-roaming is to allow the development team a chance to design and create exciting and interesting content which people will not simply fly over and ignore.

There is a lot of work being put into quest lines, locations, events and more for the expansion. We want to make sure people can get the full benefit of all of that hard work.


Death Knight FAQ update

Vaneras updated the Death Knight FAQ with another addition:

Which classes?
You will not be transforming or converting one class into a Death Knight, you will instead be able to unlock the class for play. The current thinking behind this design decision is that it is important for players to feel like that they don't have to give up a long term character for the chance to play the new heroic class.

Many people had the perception that what you would be doing was to choose a class to specialize into the hero class that would then be an extension of your current class, but that's not how we're doing it. We felt that if we did that for all of the classes, we would be adding too many classes into the game at once and as a result making continuing efforts toward class balance very difficult.
