63rd chapter
Interludes and introductions.
They felt the shift of power and the magic being released, they understood what was happening and began a straight flight towards the maelstrom.
They were there when the most eager of their flight rose above the stormy waves. And they were there when the portal collapsed, the gate closed and their long awaited plan failed right before their eyes.
They roared with their fallen kin in the storm at the middle of the world unable to control their emotions.
They flew towards land, happening upon some unlucky sailors on the way. They landed in a small troll town in Stranglethorn and left nothing but ashes.
Dawnwaker gave a great roar, and smashed an already dead troll repeatedly on his burned down house.
Not so far away the troll’s son watched in sheer horror, covered in his own mother blood who had thrown herself atop him as a last loving act.
Finally the corpse no longer reminded of anything bipedal and Dawnwaker fell to his knees and covered his face in his blood soaked hands.
Tears fell down and mixed with the troll blood from the hopeless trolls around him.
Daywalker felt the same way but expressed her emotions by staying in her dragon form and slowly eating all the trolls.
While chewing on the last troll head in the vicinity Daywalker turned to her sobbing companion and said: something horrible, something unthinkable must have happened.
His soul was released, and yet the spell failed.
“The plan” ,Dawnwaker cried, “the plan! The plan failed us walker, it was flawless, nothing could have gone wrong!”
“And yet it did, Day walker answered, “now we must simply pick up the pieces and carry on the mission.”
“The mission!?” Dawnwaker cried again, “what mission? The plan failed remember, it has been said that that three beings will usher in the age of sixth, the nightwalker the Dawnwaker and the Daywalker, one to release the flight, one to make sure their passage is safe and one fly lead in the flights around the world!”
“Now if you didn’t notice we just lost our very strongest member , without him carrying out his duty! That is pretty much what I call a bloody failure.”
Daywalker rose above him towering him in strength and said grimly: “and that’s why we must carry on, why we must avenge our brother and our plan.”
Dawnwaker transformed into his dragon forma and stood face to face to day walker:
“that is what you want to do? Revenge? To what end?”
“For destructions sake brother ! for honors sake! someone killed our kin!”
“I admit, my blood churns to see the ones responsible ripped to shreds , but this is not the time to fly away mindlessly killing everything in sight! We have to focus, make the most of the situation, gather our newborn kin hatched by the forsaken.”
“NO!” Daywalker screamed in defiance, “you will listen to me and do as I command! I am Daywalker!”
Dawnwaker stared hard at the female and said with spite: “be that as it may, but your place is to rule the day I shall usher in, but unless you haven’t noticed, it is still the black night of creation. The dawn ahs yet to come sister, and we cannot make it happen ourselves.”
“Revenge, brother, Revenge!”
“No! we need a new plan! A plan to stick to when things go..”
“ BAH! To hell with your plans brother! If the loss of a kin matters so little to you then maybe there is no place for you in our family.”
With a single beat of her wings Daywalker took off,and said in parting: u”ntil we meet again ,dear brother.”
She flew due west, towards kalimdor.
Dawnwaker watched her fly and muttered under his breath while he himself took off: “no dear sister we wont meet again i fear.”
He flew due north, leaving only a little boy who saw not the irony in dawnwakers reasoning of “not mindlessly killing everything in sight.”
Manvalas Runedancer woke up from his trance with a spastic shock. His eyes shone with a mix of demonic and druidic green. His face was strained with concentration as he got accustomed to the natural light around him.
It had now been almost five years since he came here in that valley and he was still awed by the sight that greeted him every time he opened his eyes.
Elune’ara reflected the visage of the moon perfectly in its clear waters, from his place inside the shrine of remulos he saw the druids of nighthaven skitter around in a hurried pace.
Manvalas looked over the lake towards the den of Stormrage. He hadn’t gone from the dream for four years now and showed no signs of relenting.
Bloody psychopath, Manvalas uttered with a grin, he’ll end up rooted to the damn ground if this keeps up.
He rose from his leaf bed and began pacing about, rubbing the weariness from his bones.
A tauren female came to him holding a robe of leaves and wordlessly gave it to him.
Manvalas looked at the robe with utter distain, and then looked at his own torn, sweaty and stained blood elf spell breaker uniform robe.
He casually threw the leaf robe away and said:” if they want me to wear it, they should send some night elf woman with it.”
The tauren looked at him with anger but picked up the robe and walked out of the shrine.
He knew full well that he was not liked here, why he was kept here, as far away from stormrage as possible. The night elves practically hated high elves, really hated blood elves, and it was hard to describe their feeling towards a blood elf warlock with any positive word in the sentence.
He was, de facto, a prisoner there, kept in a sacred site and meant to help them in the war.
And slowly but surely they were trying to turn him into one of their own. A damned tree-hugger druid. Manvalas shuddered at the thought, there were other ways to help nature than to worship it as some kind of an idol.
How could you help something as powerful as nature itself by convincing it that it was all-powerful and all-wise? Sometimes what you needed to do was to hit nature in the head and scream in its head: we’re in this together you know, this is what we’re gonna do and you better help us because it’s the bloody right thing to do.
He looked at the leaf bed with disdain and raised his right hand. it glowed with green fervor as the leafs were raised from the floor and began growing amongst themselves ,connecting and forming a strong and sturdy but ultimately comfortable bed.
“Now that’s what I call a leaf bed” Manvalas said, quite pleased with himself and muttered while going under the leaf cover: bloody tree-huggers.
That night he’d dreams of his own, not ones induced by meditation or filled with nightmares.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.