fourth part: betrayal

62nd chapter the final journey

The world had almost seen it’s end, yet no-one seemed to know or care.
It was a world of marvel and magic, so strange events were commonplace with the people of azeroth.
But over the un’goru crater the sky was clear and the sun shone upon two exhausted friends atop fire plume ridge.
“What the hell just happened?” Exen’tor asked sitting on a stone, fighting hard not to fall off. Wisim was similarly seated against a large rock , holding the gleaming crystal sword in his right hand.
“It really just popped up you see”, he explained, his voice losing power by the second, “as you saw every attack we threw at him wasn’t working, magic knows why.”
“He was nearly immune to all magical attacks; he was a youngling of the sixth flight, an ancient dragon flight.”
“Still doesn’t explain why or how he resisted all our attacks does it?”
“No, too bad he died in that form”, Exen’tor looked at the corpse between them, “I’ could have sold those at quite the price in the market.”
“Oh he’s not dead, per se.”
Exen’tor screamed and kicked himself away from the not so late Ace nightwalker.
“Ah no, don’t worry,” Wisim explained with a laugh, “none of our magic was working, and so when the sky turned red and that …thing fell out of the sky, I figured that try and use one of those crystals wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”
He pulled up the sword and looked at it with admiration.
“This thing is unlike anything I’ve ever seen, as soon as i touched it I knew that it was some new kind of magic. Something that shouldn’t exist in this world.”
“With that in mind I charged headwards and plunged it right through.. that thing over there.”
“Yes I know, I was there but what do you mean by not dead?”
“Well his soul would be the trigger for the spell I made, so I had to make sure that the soul would not go far. So I reached inside him and absorbed his soul into the crystal.”
Exen’tor sighed with reprieve and watched as Mesfer slowly crawled out of his shoulder. Wisim watched as well with the interest of a scientific wizard and the disgust of a blood elf.
Mesfer stumbled out of the boiling flesh and fell to the ground.
“That’ way..wheeze ,,,,to treat ,,,cough,,,, a demon” he said right before blacking out on the ground.
Exen’tor casually picked the imp and threw him just as casually down the slope.
“I’ll have one say though” ,he said, “No more saving the world. too much danger, too much injury, not enough profit.”
“Profit?” Wisim asked.
“Yeah, well I mean it’s hard enough to be overly concerned about the team but saving and caring about the rest of the world is just too much for us to handle. “
“Profit?” Wisim repeated.
“Yes. So you focus on the profit, what did we gain from all of this? I’ll tell you what we got. A purple sword! Now really is that enough to let our loved ones suffer?”
“yeah it’s true, should have made it a purple staff” Wisim admitted, “speaking of our loved ones where exactly….”

Suddenly and wildly Ankthar jumped up in his elven form screaming: “have at thee villain! You’ll woe the day you… he’s not already dead is he?”
Afraid so, Exen’tor answered.
Ankthar looked at the mangled, bloody corpse sadly: “Was he hard to beat?”
“Quite” Wisim answered.
“It wasn’t this kind of epic battle was it? With crazy magic and rising stages of fury was it?”
“Afraid it was” Exen’tor answered.
“I threw fifty seven spells at him.” Wisim continued.
“I changed into nearly full demon.”
“The sky turned red when a meteor fell from the sky”
“And he used a crystal to suck his soul out.”
“While the world was ending of course.”
“Of course.”
Ankthar changed with uncanny speed into a dwarf and said with a rough sad voice of someone who wished he was in a battle: “Ah need a drink.”
He sat down and looked at his feet for a while.
“ How are the girls?” Exen’tor asked, realizing that if they hadn’t been helping them then they had to be really hurt.
“Mizra’s allright,ah spose, at’s gotta be damn hard a blow ta keep that lass down wit her ‘ealing ‘erself an’all.”
“But Sira, ah wasn’t there but from what ah kin tell she took some ‘eavy beating.she’s alive but barely.”
Exen’tor was shaking, but still tried to stand up. His feet were wobbly and his head felt light.
“It must have been some beating,” he said worried, “most things just fly right off her. Is Mizra with her?”
“That girl is barely awake ye knoe. She hasn’t got any power left ta help others, none at all.”
Exen’tor fell, his head feeling too small and too big at the same time.
He tried to stand up again and reached for Wisim for help. Wisim took his hand and stood up with him. Wisim was equally worried, if not more so.
“Come on then” he said, limping his way down the mountainside, “let’s get to them. Damn girls, they’re sure to be the end of me.”
Exen’tor limped with him yelled back to Ankthar: “You coming?”
Ankthar stood up ,sighed sadly and said with regret, “are you sure it was really that good of a battle?”

There’s a war going on.
There’s a war going on and nobody seemed to notice. And most of those that did were unable to do anything. Only the highest of the druid order were able to make any difference. And even that difference was a little one.
There was a war going on. And they were losing it. it was not a war over land or wealth, but a war of dominance over an entire sphere of reality. It was fought by the green flight of ysera and the force called the nightmare. Opinions differ on the identity of the nightmare, but it is old and powerful,
Whole regions of the emerald dream had fallen under the sway of the nightmare and slowly the forces of the green flight were losing ground. Then a new force appeared on the side of the green flight which revitalized the combatants.
An entity with power enough to rival ysera and the nightmare.
In the hidden gardens of the cenarion circle the final member of the gatekeepers waited with a cocksure smile.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.