þetta segi ég í ljósi þess að smá breytingar verða á fyrifram skrifuðum söguþráð.
ég saðgi að exen'tor kæmi ekki úr daí fyrr en eftir mánuð, það kemur í ljós að það er alrangt vegna helling af atriðum sem ég henti út.
þessi breyting hefur þegar verið gerð á wordskjalið og er hér með gerð official.
þetta er svo sem ekki nein stórveægiel breyting hefur í sjálfu sér ekkert við söguþráðinn sem slíkan að gera en bara svo að þeir sem fylgist með tímanum fari ekki í sjokk þegar exen'tor kemur aftur.
55th chapter
Ankthar was still aiming his gun at Wisims head when he stood up, even when he was holding Sira’dreth up and laughing along with her.
Even when Wisim was greeted by Mizra running towards him with arms wide open and eyes gleaming with joy and surprise.
And even when they’d sat down and started talking to him as if he was a part of the family Ankthar followed, eyes sharp on the newcomer as if he was a dangerous bear.
Sira’dreth finally noticed Ankthars aware attitude and said: “come on Ankthar there’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s our dad.”
Ankthar lowered his gun and looked at the relatively young elf with amaze.
Noticing the look on Ankthar ,Wisim answered quickly: “NOT their biological father of course, just their adopted father.”
“Yeah” Mizra continued, “he found us when we were”…..actually that’s a rather long story.
“A bit complicated” Sira’dreth added.
And a bit overly dramatic for this joyful situation Wisim ended, he looked at Exen’tor and said in a teasing voice: “what’s wrong with mister sleepy head?”
Their face darkened and they looked at Exen’tor truly concerned.
It had been a while since they’d seen Exen’tor do anything but lie, breathing silently on his stretcher.
Wisim noticed their sorrow and stood up and touched Exen’tor hand.
It felt cold and wet, limp and dead.
Wisim felt no energy surge beneath the skin as it should be and closed his eyes.
He opened them and saw the magic around him, he saw the great magical residue still loaded in Ankthar gun, how both Sira’dreth and Mizra radiated with their distinctive magic but felt shocked when he looked at Exen’tor.
It was hardly anything there, the magic, the life force, needed to run his systems simply wasn’t there, it was as if Exen’tor was running on sheer willpower.
“What happened” Wisim asked the sisters.
They looked at each other; “we were walking in the desert not more than two weeks ago” Sira’dreth said.
“Two weeks?” Wisim repeated and pinched his beard , thinking.
Sira’dreth couldn’t but look at him with joy even under those circumstances, it was simply so nice to finally see him once again:
The troubled frown on his fine crafted face, the hand his right hand pinching his short beard the other shuffling his rope.
He’d changed though, as had they all, his left arm seemed a little incorporeal , but he kept it tightly pinned under a steel glove.
The rope that used to be elegant and wavy was now blood stained with holes and burnmarks all over.
The original light purple colour that used to wreak laughter among the soldiers had sustained only by a fraction and was now mostly secceded by a darker more intimidating colour.
Most likely thoughw as that it was not planned or unavoidable, the blood and the soot
Could be washed out and wisim knew enough about magic to sew up those holes.
Fact was that wisim was truly untidy and most of all a slob, he probably couldn’t be bothered to wash the rope.
Wisim looked with concern at Exen’tor and said: “he needs help right away, we should bring him to my home…”
He suddenly remembered what he came here for.
He looked around as if scanning every stone and edge.
“What is it” Mizra asked concerned.
“A paladin!”
“What? “
“There’s a paladin around here.”
“ What? No, there’s no paladin here.”
“Did you bring one?”
“Did. You. Bring. A. Paladin . here?”
“no. I mean there was paladin that brought us here but there… was an accident. He died.”
“No” wisim said suddenly staring at the ceiling, “he didn’t.”
He closed his eyes.
“Wha… Yes he did we saw him being eaten by a giant… thing.”
Wisim opened his eyes and was terrified, screamed, and ducked.
A large paw suddenly broke its way through the ceiling, apparently melting the stone on its way.
Sira’dreth became fire and jumped at the paw hitting it repeatedly.
Wisim rolled over to Exen’tor and Mizra and yelled over the noise of Ankthar shooting, stones falling, dragon screaming and Sira’dreth roaring:
“We have to get out of here!“ He yelled.
Mizra put her hands out in the air, whispering: frozen shield.
Immediately they were all except Sira’dreth surrounded by a shield of nearly invincible but sturdy ice.
She looked at the cave mouth closing by falling stones.
“You’re right we can’t stay here, not with Exen’tor helpless and injured.”
Wisim was already in a state of ritualistic concentration.
Hold on he said right before they were all consumed by a shining blue light and left behind an empty cave and a very angry dragon.
Nightwalker was furious, screamed the kind of scream that makes knight fall on the ground, orcs begging for their mothers bosom and stops all life in the few seconds it is heard.
He then jumped up, picking up speed on his way to fire plume ridge.
“How the hell?” Mizra said as she stood up from what looked like the remains of a war zone.
“Oh great,” Sira’dreth remarked, “we died and went to the nether, still thought at least the nether would be kind of tidy.”
“Its my home you latterschnotz stop making fun of it!”
Sira’dreth looked around and said: ahh of course then this makes sense .
Mizra was running around Exen’tor checking his vitals and make sure every limb was in right place but still found time to retort: “no it doesn’t , no one teleports out of a situation like this. Its impossible.”
“Not really” Wisim argued, “it’s really just a matter of skill.”
Mizra seemed as if she was going to say something but suddenly turned very pale, which was quite frightening for a someone so white.
“Its gone!” She yelled surprised and frightened.
Wisim looked at her alarmed: “what? What’s gone?”
“The energy! That little life force that still remained, it’s gone.”
And truly exen’tors life force had left him, but not because of the sudden teleportation but because of something far bigger thatn that.
Exen’tor was finally meeting the cause of his Powers.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.