54th chapter

So. Once again. Mizra had traveled through fire, water, scorching sands, drunk pirates, her own sister, mutated bugs and egotistical undead warrior, and yet her shw was once again, walking through an endless jungle, wondering why the hell everything of importance had to happen in some kind of a green jungle hell.
Except this particular hell was a bit different from the other one, there were no ordinary beasts there, this hell was far more dangerous.

The raptor felt his brain sizzle as the bullet tore through its skull.
It fell down ,maw gaping, on the ground in front of Ankthar in his elven form.
“That’s the seventh raptor, just this last hour” he said in a complaining tone.
“The damn beasts appear to be attracted to our presence .”
“Probably because of your smell”, Sira’dreth teased hidden above him.
How dare you,I,I do not smell, it’s,,,it’s an aroma.”
“Yeah an aroma of blood and guts.”
“What do ye expect,ah’ve been standing and taking all tha damage, blood and gore.”
Sira’dreth chuckled, hidden in the leaves but said comforting: “look I’ll take tank turn next, no problem. You go get yourself cleaned up.”
Ankthar let down his gun and turned back into the little hovel they had made themselves in the jungle.

It had been a about a week since they’d climbed down the slopes of the un’goru.
But when they finally got to the jungle they’d been needing to get to., they realized their mistake.
All this time they’d been rushing to get to Un’goru, and now they realized they had no idea what to do next.
So they set up camp and Mizra had been working hard for a week, trying to bring Exen’tor back.
She had been trying hard and working her limited skills to the absolute limit.
But it was for naught. She’d found out what was wrong though, it was as if the very essence of Exen’tor had been drawn out.
The life force was simply not enough to keep Exen’tor conscious.
She’d been trying to fill that void with her own energy but her efforts were useless.
Right now they were stuck, she didn’t know for how long they’d be here. But she knew that it couldn’t be for long.
Mizra fell over Exen’tor chest, so incredibly tired, it was as if she hadn’t slept for a week for every thought centered on Exen’tor and his well being.
She closed her eyes for a second just to recharge her cells.

Ankthar came in a few minutes later where she was sleeping soundly on Exen’tor chest.
He smiled and was more than a bit relieved, things had been quite cold since Hvenfifar died. she being asleep made things a bit better.
He heard a rumble outside.

Wisim knew the paladin as there and that he’d brought friends, which carried the strangest magical aura.
But they seemed to have stopped somewhere around the rim.
At first he decided to wait and see whether or not they’d come but it had been a week now with no movement at all and his book still confirmed his fears, manvalas was in grave danger and needed his help.
And he didn’t have time to wait them out. He finally stood up from his comfortable chair and collected his reagents.
It was time to bring them in.
Teleportation was a simple spell for him, breaking the rules of time and space was everyday business for an arcanist.
And over the last three years he had grown increasingly more adept.
Wisim said a word into the air and suddenly and with a crack he was gone.
He appeared , right by the camp, he quickly hid himself and became more or less invisible,
He saw an elf standing guard in front of some kind of a cave, h decided to test their defensive capabilites, and fooled half a dozen of raptors to come out and attack them.
The dwarf proved quite formidable but quickly grew tired of the endless attacks and left the mouth unguarded.
Wisim got the feeling that there were more guarding the place but couldn’t skip the opportunity, he focused more and turned completely invisible. He crouched silent as the wind he half crawled to the entrance.
No one seemed to be around there but saw no one. He closed his eyes and turned on his magical eyesight.
This was one of the powers that he had awoken with those five years ago, he could see the magical currents in the world.
He liked that vision a lot better than the normal one for it was far more beautiful,
Opening his eyes he saw the arcane torrents float around him, swirl in every fly, vaporize with every falling leaf. But he also saw something quite different, hidden between the leafs and branches of nearby trees he saw a being that shone with fiery red arcane energy. It was larger than anything he had ever seen, darker than everything he had ever witnessed and its wings were greater and larger than his field of vision.
He gasped in awe.
That was every thing the being needed. He could see the immediate magic being forced into its feet and how it released when it jumped his way with a fireball in its hand.
An extremely skilled mage Wisim concluded, he ducked, grabbed the magic of the fireball, spun around and threw it as pure magic straight at Sira’dreth.
He blinked, was immediately upon her and drove his fist at her.
He didn’t recognize her because her magic completely blocked out all features of her face and body.
She rolled over unable to see her attacker but seeing the arcane energy being focused in his hand and driving to her.
She stood up ready to face her attacker, but saw none and felt no shift in the magic around her.
Ankthar came running, his gun cocked and ready.
“Hey sira? What’s ..”
She silenced him with a stare and a finger over her mouth.
She focused her energy, let it lose and burned everything around her in a fiery blast wave.
Wisim countered it before it even got out of her mind.
He drained all the magic and blinked right by her, and thrust his hand right at chest sending her own spent magic violently back into her.
Sira’dreth felt a shockwave go through her body rocking her out of balance.
Ankthar used the glowing palm to pinpoint a location and shot an arcane bullet straight at what he presumed to be the head.
Wisim expected a normal bullet and was relatively prepared for that but the arcane bullet completely surprised him and sent his entire invisibility.
Sira used the opportunity and threw herself atop the invader despite her horrendous pain.
She was ready with a fireball in hand when the invisibility finally failed Wisim and she saw his face for the first time since they were blown apart those years ago.
He turned off his magical eyesight and saw her too for the first time in a long time.
They stared at each other for a long while making Ankthar come there running and shouting:” sira! Something wrong? Drive it through girl.”
But Sira’dreth only stared at her father and her father stared at her.
And on that muddy patch in the jungle of un’goru, they hugged each other for along time.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.