nokkur saga reyndar að segja frá því.ég var búinn með söguna frekar snemma á föstudaginn en asnaðist til að draga að senda hana þartil um kvöldið. þegar ég var að fara að ná í word fælinn úr fartölvunni, lenti ég hinsvegar í því að hleðslutækið mitt bráðnaði. quite literally.
allavega skýst útí búð strax á laugardaginn en þar segja menn að ég geti fengið snúru i fyrsta algi á mánudaginn.
Örvinglaður leitaði ég að einhverjum sem notaði sömu gerð af tölvu og ég(hún er frekar gömul, batteríið farið og shite) og fann loks vinsamlegt frændfólks em var tilbúið til að lána mér snúru.
nú, ég veit að þetta er með því versta sem um getur en í staðinn held ég að ykkur eigi eftir að líka við kaflann, dáldið öðruvísi og gerir ankthar að mun meiri karakter.
Chapter 53
With dreams of jungle and prey
The wound was fatal.
No healing remedies or bandages could save her now. And she was okay with that,her life had been filled with adventures before and after she met ankthar.
Hvenfifar closed her eyes and felt her blood stream out from her gaping veins.
She felt ankthar’s hands take grip around her, his tears mixing with her blood.
And she griefed not that she was dying but the effects her death would have on him.
She passed out into coma with dreams of jungle and prey.
Mizra was angry, it was as if the forces of heavens had allied themselves to her side, empowering her greatly.
She wanted to lash out at something, it didn’t matter what it was, just something.
But then she felt it, a tug, like a large rusted hook in her heart that was ripping it out.
Something was in pain around her, something was dying, and she could feel the pain and taste the life that was flowing out of it.
She turned down her power and turned her head to the source; ankthar and his dying panther.
She walked towards him and said in pain, “ankthar? Is she still alive?”
The mourning dwarf dwarf did not flinch but tighened his arms around his friend.
“Yes,her heart still beats”, he answered dryly.
“Please”, mizra pleaded, “let me have her ,I can heal her, I can save her.”
Ankthar stood up, his eyes swollen with tears and his face red with sorrow.
“Ye aint gonna do nuthin’ about me cat!”
“Ye aint gonna use no magic to save ‘er from the edge of death”.
“But …..why?”
” it aint her way, it aint our way, it aint MY way.”
“What are you talking about saving lives isn’t your way?”
“I dunno what world ye live in, but in mine, in OURS, nature chooses who lives and who dies.She chose to sacrifice HER LIFE so I might live, what right do I have to make that sacrifice worth nuthin?”
Mizra could do nothing but gape at the way Ankthar was thinking.
“Have you gone insane?!” She screamed. “Let me help her while she can still be saved.”
“NO on my life you will do nothing to stop this. We are creatures of nature, when we are mortally wounded WE DIE! “
“But I can stop it ! I can save her!”
“THE STRONGEST SURVIVE! If we are not strong enough then we fall, thats tha law of nature. Thats tha law we abide. Will ye dare ta mock ‘er way of life?
What right de ye have ta save someone ‘at don’t wish ta be saved!”
“What if that was YOUR body lying there dying waiting to die? Would you not accept my help?”
“No ah wouldn’t, as a matter o fact if a’m ever mortally wounded ye aint allowed to heal me. if ah’m sposed ta die , a’m sposed ta die.”
“You madman!” Mizra started charging at the panther with her hands ready to heal.
Sira’dreth jumped and stopped her, afraid a fight would break out.
Ankthar drew his gun and pointed it at her.
She stopped and uttered under her breath: “you wouldn’t!”
He took a deep breath and said with resignation:
“Nah yer right ah wouldn’t.” he pointed it towards hvenfifars chest.
“NO !” Mizra fought sira’dreths hands.
“Goodbye hven” Ankthar said with tears driping from his face.
His fingers squeezed the trigger, the magical bullet, was blown from the barrel, blasted its way through the panthers chest, finally giving hvenifar its peace.
Mizra screamed at the life that had been blown away from her.
She fell to the ground, powerless tears flowing from her eyes.
Ankthar looked at his fallen panther and said with sorrow in his tearwet eyes: goodbye Hvenfifar,I know your spirit runs free in the world beyond.
“You monster” Mizra uttered under her breath repeatedly.”You monster!”
The pain slowly retreated, and as the day went by mizra could even walk, but something had been torn open in her heart.
She could see and feel everything around her, everypain and every joy.
She knew that anktar was in pain, she knew that he was perhabs in the greatest pain of all.
They slowly made way towards the rim of the desert,finally arriving at the crater of un’goru
It was time. It was finally time.
At last! He knew the wait was finally over, he consulted the book and the skittering words proved him right.
The paladin was coming, he was on the borders of the jungle waiting only to be captured and sacrificed.
Wisim readied his gear and chuckled, at last it was over, dalaran would at last be safe once more in a place of great power.
The last paladin however was steaming with rage, his face a gallery of scars and pain.
He’d thought that if he changed into his dragon form he would heal faster but it was for naught.
He screamed in anger and fury over the jungle, screamed from pain and resolution to avenge.
His battle with the sand monster had left him critically wounded, exhausted and broken but at least alive.
He’d need a few days if he was even supposed to fly towards his prey, not to mention fight it.
He layed down his eyes letting his body heal its injuries, biding his time.
His plan could still work, it could still be used to complete his task.
But not now, for now he rested.
For now he waited.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.