A listing of hot fixes applied this week. Check back for updates!QQ away
Flame Wreath will now allow players to remain in the flame wreath while under the effect of immunity granting abilities such as Divine Shield, etc.
The Druid ability Mangle (Bear) now generates 50% bonus threat.
The Druid ability Lacerate now deals a small amount of instant damage, generating threat, against bleed immune creatures.
Coilfang Frenzies will no longer attack players in water outside of Coilfang.
The amount of bonus damage that the Hunter pet ability ‘Lightning Breath’ receives from the Hunter's +damage gear has been reduced
Pets will no longer trigger the Flame Wreath effect.
Kael'Thas' phoenix pets should now have the correct immunities.
Magtheridon's Blast Wave should now function properly.
'The Lurker Below' should now spawn correctly after being reset.
Cyclone no longer causes the targeted player to be considered dead for the arena counter.