Er búinn að vera hryllilega veikur þessa síðustu daga og hef varla getað hugsað hvað þá skrifað.
útkoman er semsé þessi frekar dauði kafli.
lofa að næsti kafli verður betri.
það er líka frekar ánægjulegt að enginn hafi áttað sig á því hvað the gatekeepers eru.
þið getið samt trúað því að það er tilgangur með þessu öllu og merki um það útum allt.
tilgagnurinn með því öllu er einmitt að þegar þið eruð búnir að lesa söguna þá getið þið lesið hana aftur og séð öll þessi tákn sem ég er alltaf að klifast á:P
48th chapter
A silent moment in the storm.
The trek over the sand was heavy on Ankthar before exen’tor keeled over. Now he had to drag him and travel through the desert on a makeshift stretcher.
He was breathing hard and under each short breath he cursed Mizra and Sira’dreth, for forcing him to drag Exen’tor.
“Damn…mfff…… Their…pfff….. Stones…hfff… bloody…… bastards.”
They’d convinced him that he, as a man should of course carry the heavy weigths.
Somehow, with their devilish feminine tricks they’d trick him into believing this but he was fastly growing tired of being the stronger sex.
But he pushed on ,remembering his dwarfen side.
But by the light ,wether it existed or not, he was up for shooting something in the head.
Maybe it was thanks to ace’s guiding , or sira’dreths fireballs but few predators dared attack them and most became either scorched by fire or broken apart by ice.
Yet the air was tense Ankthar knew, ever since Exen’tor had fallen in his coma.
Mizra had assumed direct control afterwards, Sira’dreth pretty much gave it up without trying. But she had for some reason been overly suspicious and even aggressive towards Ace.
In fact when Exen’tor fell she turned to ace with rage and fire in her eyes but quickly calmed down.
Exen’tor however had been sleeping soundly, his body stiff and cold, his breath short and painful, as if his lungs could hardly take the change of doing its job.
Cold sweat pearled on his forehead.
Mizra couldn’t heal him, as far as she knew Exen’tor was fine.
Except he wasn’t . So Ankthar kept, on hoisted the stretcher and kept on moving in the sand and the heat.
Mizra however wasn’t particularly hot or tired.
She had been planning ever since Exen’tor fell.
She couldn’t kill ace as of now since they needed him to get through this sand hell.
But she knew that he had something to do with what happened to Exen’tor, and she knew he was going to pay for it.
All she needed was the time to do it.
As soon as they were in range of the lush un’goru crater.
She prepared an icebolt, molded it and weaved, and then took a big bite out of it.
He was going to pay.
Sira’dreth who’d already heard what Exen’tor had said took a bit more careful approach to the situation.
She was far more than willing to kill ace if he truly proposed any threat to the group but as of now all they had to go on was what exen’tor said right before he went into a coma.
Not truly solid if you asked her.
Ace was suspicious, fair enough, but if you were to kill a man for that and a word of a possibly delusional man, life would be far less worth than it should be.
Ace however, was far away in his thoughts. He was dreaming, dreaming of a world scourged. A world where his flight would have finished their mission.
He dreamed of flying with his kin through a sky torn apart.
It was that moment he was living for. It was the moment he was living in.
It had been five days since Exen’tor had fallen. four days since they’d rested at the broken pillar, and for three days they had been trekking through the abyssal sands,the hardest and hottest part of the desert.
These sands were the most cruel and unforgiving in the entire desert, no roads, sandhills as high as small mountains and the air was heavy as stones in their lungs.
But the environment was slowly changing. The sand became denser and darker.
One night Mizra could even swear that the sand had become alive.
The sand was moving, tentacles and limbs struggling beneath the surface.
There was something going on.
And by the rise of the next day it was clear to everyone.
From afar it seemed at first as if needles rose from the sand. But as they came closer it became clear that those were no needles.
Finally they came close enough to see the things with any detail.
The group was dumbstruck as they saw something that looked like bug feet rising high up.
As far as the eye could see bug feet as high as mountains stood there in this sickening art of the desert.
There was something wrong with what they saw there, something alien, and something sick.
The stood therefore a few moments or until ankthar picked up his gun and shot at one of the feet.
The others were as startled by the gunshot as they were by the sight of the bug feets.
“Jez wanted te try it” Ankthar explained shrugging.
“Can anyone explain to me what those things are”? Mizra asked.
“I’m guessing this is a quiraj outpost” Sira’dreth explained.
“Quiraj? What the hell is quiraj?”
Sira’dreth looked at Mizra as if she had just asked what colour the sea was.
“Where exactly have you been? Ahn’quraj is the only thing the horde and the alliance have agreed on these past years.”
“Anyway they’re basically big bugs and those things look like outpost pictures we were shown back in ironforge.”
“But that is all beside the point, why are we here and do we need to go through this is what I want to know.”
Ace took a deep breath as if he was sniffing the right way and then said: “yeah we have to go through those things.”
One of the feets moved a little.
Not so far away did Wisim make himself a cup of tea. After he had consulted his book he decided instead to make himself a cup of something that smelled bitter but tasted as sweet as honey in the summer.
He took a sip and relaxed. He then realized that he had had enough of relaxing.
How many months, years, had been wasted away relaxing, waiting for the next paladin to come?
It’s all coming to a close though he mused, the last paladin is nearing I can feel it.
And so after consulting his book, did Wisim finish his drink, and after even more consulting went to sleep.
And the last paladin closed in with the gatekeepers In tow through the noxious glade.
And Exen’tor dreamed.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.