Undanfarið hef ég verið að borga gamecardið mitt online bara en ég ætla að hætta því og byrja bara ða kaupa það útí búð en ég er í tómu vandræði með að hætta því.

Ég fer í Change Subscription >> Cancel recurring subscription plan þá fæ ég upp:

Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription to World of Warcraft? Before you cancel your subscription online, we would love to hear from you by telephone. There are many steps that our representatives can take to address any problems you may be experiencing.

Please call us, our phone numbers can be found here: www.wow-europe.com/en/support/accountbilling.html.

If you still want to deactivate your account online‚ please answer the following questions to help improve the overall quality of the game:

If you experience any problems while trying to cancel your account, please contact our Account and Billing team via www.wow-europe.com/support/webform/billingDefault.html or by phone.

Why are you quitting World of Warcraft?

Er ég þá ekki að “Cancela” accountnum? Eða er ég kannski bara á réttri leið? :S

Bætt við 24. nóvember 2006 - 21:12
Hætta að borga gamecard á netinu.