Færði óvart combat loginn minn þannig að hann er bara einhverstaðar í rassgati :S get ég gert einhvað í því annað en að reinstalla sko ég sé ekki þarna flipann eða það :/
p.s : er að nota nurfed combat log

Please close down WoW and remove the WTF, WDB and Interface folders from the World of Warcraft game directory. These folders contain temporary data and frequently altered files that may have become corrupted. This will also remove any custom UI's that may contribute to the problem as well.
You can move these folders to the desktop or another directory if you wish to retain the data, however for now please start WoW without those folders present. Also do not use any third party programs to start WoW; often some custom UI's will place a shortcut for you to start WoW from, please use the (Launcher.exe) in the World of Warcraft directory.