Ég heyrði hana öðruvísi: I'm a paladin short and stout, this is my hammer, this is my mount. When trouble comes I scream and shout, pop up my bubble and heartstone out.
I am a little pally short and stout, Here is my hammer and free epic Mount, when i am in trouble hear my shout, i throw on a shield and hearthstone out,
I'm a little pally, short and stout! here is my hammer, and my free mount! When I am in trouble hear me shout!! Throw up my shield and hearthstone out!
ég er warlock, vinur minn er paladin, báðir með sick gear fyrir pvp og það er 50/50 chanse á að við vinnum hvorn annann því við erum báðir búnir að stúdera að drepa hvurn annann,
I'm a little ninja, short and stout. I grab all the loot and hearthstone out. All the people on vent scream and shout. But im the warrior in full devout.
„It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that.“
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