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http://www.eqdkp.com/ svo fyrir neðan er guide.
[Balance] þetta er guide hvernig á að taka dkp í Balance, ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar þegar þú hefur lesið þetta þá láttu bara vaða.
Quick guide on how to do it:
First you will need to download theese 2 addons:
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-569-1-raidattendance.htmlCT RaidTracker (EQ DKP Modded):
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-1836-1-ct_raidtracker-enggerfreqdkp-modded.htmlWhat you do is the following. When you see that the raid is beginning you do /attendance. This will bring up a box where you can select all members then ctrl+c and then open a Wordpad (Notepad does not work) and ctrl+v into that document. For practical reasons you need to do an extra check at the same time you do this since people might be changed out or brought in from extras. This prevents them from getting double dkp or mising dkp totally.
You need also to be quick when taking down a boss to do the /attendance and extra check since ppl leave quite fast and are invited as well directly after bosses.
So far so good:
- /attendance (you can't select it with the mouse so put the marker at the first member, hold down shift and press down down down down down until you think you have selected all. I usually press right right right right after that as well incase someone is offline you grab them as well. You will see how it works once you use it)
- Extra check (you can setup a whisper function to the channel on TS or move into it and make the check)
As for Item drops:
Theese are registered in RaidTracker. You bring this up by typing /rt. This addon tracks everything in a raid. When people left and when people joined and what items dropped. Select “View Items” once an item has dropped and you will see automatically who got it. Just remember to Edit the note for each item typing in the amount of dkp it went for.
Easy as pie!
The Extras you write by hand, this is not copy pasted so write it correctly or else dkp will be fucked until it's fixed by someone who knows how to do it. You also write a desired topic for the attendance like Start for Attendance dkp and Anub, Raz, Noth, Heigan, Gluth for the bosses.
Now the raid is done and your Wordpad file whould look something like this:
Start Extra:
Raz Extra:
Anub+End Extra:
No Extras
Don't forget to save your file all the time you add something. You never know when a computer breakdown or reset can accur.
Now simply go to the admin pages for dkp (Wise will add you as Admin) and type it all in:
Raid -> Add
Just copy paste it all and select an Event. Repeat until all attendances are there.
Items -> Add
Select a member, select the event, scroll the list if the item has dropped before or write in a new one and finally write the amount of dkp.
If something went wrong you can just Raid -> List and edit the desired raid or Items -> List and edit those.
If you added a member with the wrong name and his charachter does not exist in the database. For example instead of Idrial you wrote Idrail. A new lvl1 character named Idrail will be created and you can't edit or touch this character through the normal Member Management but it will still show up on the “Black” dkp pages here on the forum. Talk to me and I will fix it for you. I can explain over TS how I do it as well.