jahá ég er með druid á dunemaul horde side belju.
Head: Feathermoon Headdress
Neck: Senior Sergeant's insignia
Shoulders: Wild Growth Spaulders (epic)
Back: Sergeants Cloak
Chest: Ironfeather breastplate
Wrist: Cenarion Bracers (epic)
Hands: Cenarion Gloves (epic)
Waist: Wildeart belt
Legs: Cenarion Leggings (epic)
Feet: Boots of shrieker
Finger1: Band of hierophant
Finger2: Flaming band of the eagle. og nei ég veit ekki afhverju í andskotanum
Trinket1: Rune Of Perfection
Trinket2: Insignia of the horde
Weapon: Zulian Scepter of rites
Offhand: Arrlokk's hoodoo stick
Einnig er ég með í backpackinu Zandalar Haruspex's bracers (epic)
og Primal hakkari stanchion .. :) Er að leita af lvl 55+ mage eða lvl 60 rogue á burning blade alliance