prestur: hann er med 2 prophecy,4 devout, Lorespinner, tome of the lost, og i naxx guildi
Normal MOunt | Deathwing(pvp)
Paladin: hann stockadePauldrons,IcebarbedSpear(AV)
Hammer of the northern wind og Crest of retribution(shield) sem tanking, 4/8 lightforge 1/8 valor (hanskana) og Normal Mount | Talnivar(pvp)
Rogue: Eye of rend, Shadowblade, Dalrend offhander, Bloodrazor, Assasination Blade 2/8 shadowcraft, Blookseeker(bow) Normal Mount
| Deathwing(pvp)
Hunter: 4/6 rank 10 pvp set, Axe of the deepwoods, the lobtomiser, Silthid HUsker launcher (gun)
2/8 beaststalker, Crown of tyranny, Stratholme Miltia Shoulderguard, Orb of deception,
Epic Mount | Deathwing(pvp)
Plata : Plan B