Mizra stepped on the ground and the ground gave. She tried to balance herself but gravity pulled her down to what she presumed to be her death.
She fell to the bottom of the muddy hole ,not more than 1 meter deep.
She gasped when she landed but suffered not any greater injury.
She stood up, half out of the hole and saw Ankthar running towards her.
„Is every’ng ah’right?“
„No, but nothing serious though,wonder what this hole is doing out here.“
„Ye never know lass, but I’d guess there is some savage tribe or the other trying to attack us.“
„If tha be tha case we should be very careful, maybe even more ogerrs.“
„Ogries no be you problem“ said a voice behind Mizra.
„Now what?“ More hardly speaking characters?
„Hey, wha do ye mean?“ said Ankthar harsh.
„Never mind. Show yourself.“
“Never,„ said another voice now to the right.
„We be mighty rogues of great power“. Said another to the left.
„We take down the tribe of illfallianni, we steal the stealing statue we cheat on the si:7“
We be,,,,
The three of them jumped into the clearing in a triangle around the hole in some kind of poses and shouted out their names out loud.
„GOKUJI!“ They screamed together to the empty clearing.
Mizra was long gone
„Honestly“ she said as she walked through the jungle after Ankthar, „I can understand some species aren’t all that smart but three rogues announcing what they are doing before hand is,,, is… is stupid beyond logical comprehension.“
„Wait up“ said jig.
„You no take candle pleaded go.“
Mizra summoned her blades and Ankthar hoisted his gun.
„I don’t have time for this kind of bull, I have to hurry to the road so we can get to the rest of our party, if your gonna be a bother ,fine, I’ll then have to kill you but if you go now we will let you go out of pure hate of time wasting.“
„We no want to kill. We here to invite“ , the trio said separately.
„Explain“ Mizra asked puzzled, „one at a time please.“
„In gurubashi arena there be a chest. It open once every three day, we collect challengers. And challengers that win get the prizes.“
„Not interested ye half’its bugger off“ Ankthar said as he cocked the gun.
„Wait! There be many prizes ,said ku, gold weapons.. “Mizra readied her blades and prepared to cut the kobolds in half.
Ku cowered but finished: „and a black lotus.“
Mizra stopped.
„Black lotus?“ She asked.
Ku saw she was no longer looking for his ultimate demise, and sprang up.
„Yes a black lotus picked in the city ruins of thaurissan. It is the grand prize.“
Mizra unsummoned her blades and said: „lead the way.“
Ankthar withdrew his gun in surprise: „ye can’t be serious?“
„The Gurubashi arena is to the south right?“ Mizra answered coldly.„ We are going to the south towards booty bay, I see no reason not to take this route and possibly“, she said the last few words with stars in her eyes:„ get a black purple.“
„If you wish to leave to alarm the others be my guest. I am however going this way.“
„Come now elfie“ go said anxious.
Mizra walked to the kobolds that began to jump from tree to tree.
Ankthar sighed and followed.
„I’m thinking of something green,“ Exen’tor said dully.
„Is it trees?“ Sira’Dreth guessed even more dully.
„No“ exen’tor yawned.
„Is it leaves?“
„Something flammable?“
„Probably not“
„Well, then I’m beat. What was it?“
„Demonic corruption.“
Sira’dreth looked at him sarcastically.
„Well your riddles just keep getting better, What was it last time? The colour of a dead soul?, the paint of a summoning circle?“
„No if I remember correctly it was the smoldering ruins of…“
„Gahh you see she said. Why can’t it be something like a rare flower or a mighty city?“
„Why is it always death and decay with you?“
„Don’t forget corruption“ He added with a smile.
„Come on now can’t you find a light spot in life?“
„Well what do you expect“ he said looking to the bright blue sky,„ I’m technically an agent of destruction, a warlock, joined together with the chaos of the nether.“
Exen´tor was quite stumped, „so one should expect one or two days of depression.“
„Pfft you didn’t used to be like this you know once upon a time you would have joked with the very fabric of creation.“
Exen´tor looked dreamily around, „that was a very long time ago.“
„Not by our standard it isn’t.“
„It seems long. Besides then you and I were…“
„Lets not get change the subject, the point is, I was imprisoned by a captain of unspeakable evil. Hunted down like an animal, and was to be used as a sacrifice to bring forth the end of the world as we know it.Yet I am able to enjoy the finer things in life.“
„A parrot flew by and for some reason spontaneously combusted.“
„What happened to you to make you so hating?“ Sira’dreth asked.
„The war took its tolls on me like all beings…“ exen’tor began.
„The war is over ex“.
„I know that“ he said annoyed.
He sighed.
„All right then you wish to know the truth?“
„Let me tell you about a dwarf named murinn muckbeard ironax.
He was a hero in northrend , a hero to us all and if it wouldn’t be for him and his men the battle for the frozen throne wouldn’t have been a battle but a slaughter.
Whenever someone fell he was always there ready to take up the helm.
He was a role model and a comrade. But also a friend“
Exen’tor looked at Sira’dreth and said harshly: „and I killed him.“
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.