það er á svona tímapunkti sem mig langar að segja að það eralveg mergjað að skrifa þennan kafla viku eftir viku og vita alltaf að það er alltaf fólk sem að bíður eftir honum.
þess vegan er það eiginelga dálítið fúlt að ég þarf að senda þessa kafla í sumarfrí, meðal annars vegna anna í vinnu en líka vegna ótæpilegra ferða um landið.
the search fer því því miður í suamrfrí til 25 ágúst:(
Twenty third chapter beginning anew.
He had been hanging there for more than a few minutes. Most of his face had been covered with web leaving only his left eye with the view of a thousand feet fall.
He could feel the panther’s teeth grip on his ankle slipping. There was only so much of stink a creature could handle.
He couldn’t but wonder why the hell he was there, hanging on a troll temple by a panthers mouth.
A flash from his old village swept across his mind and he wondered wether he had any right to be saved from this death.
He looked at the ground so far below him and wasn’t sure whether meeting up with the people he had betrayed was such a bad idea.
Perhabs he was beyond saving.
He was about to wriggle himself out of the panthers grip when he felt three pair of hands grab his feet’s and pull him up.
The first thing he saw was Exen’tors smiling face.
„ A lot of help you were“ he said with a grin on his face.
A feeling of joy filled ankthar’s heart once more and he knew he still had a chance.
They stood on the ruins of the temple and felt more than just exhausted. after introducing Ankthar to Sira’dreth an emotion of exhaustion befell them all.
The fell down on the ground and looked at the sky, seemingly without worries.
But they had many things to talk about nevertheless.
„How did you do those things sira?“ Exen’tor asked.
She hesitated for a second and answered:„I guess I was just really angry.“
„Some anger“ Mizra stated, „why should you be angry at us?“
„It’s a long story but I just thought that you were coming to kill me because of my power.“
„Well that’s stupid we’re, here to help you“.
„Why should I need any help?“
„Because something is happening to us sira exen’tor „stated“ and we don’t know what, and lets face it, there’s a lot more change to find out if we work together.“
„And besides we need to stop arthas from invading draenor“.
„And we have to get rid of that imp of yours Mizra“ demanded out of the blue
Exen’tor laughed, „I if I could I would believe me, I don’t like him any more than he likes me.“
Sira’dreth sighed, „so whatever what’s the next step? Manvalas? This thing seems to be of demonic sources, he should know what’s happening.“
„No“ exen’tor said decisively, „our next move is the former leader of our party. He and his book should prove useful.“
„Wisim?“ Mizra asked„ Do we even know where he is?“
Exen’tor smiled: „he’s in a jungle in Kalimdor surrounded by ancient magic.
Don’t ask me how I know, I just do. And you won’t need any more proof than that.“
They were quiet for a second and then ankthar suddenly participated in the conversation.
„Then that’s that, kalimdor it is.“
Exen’tor looked surprised at him and then said :„ yes to find wisim and hope he hasn’t gotten himself into something as bad as sira her did.“
„Hey,“ she said offeneded and then added,„ you know wisim he’s probably tangled into something so messed up my mess will look like a game of cards compared to his mess.“
Somewhere in the ungoru crater a ragged old man with a gray beard to his knees ran frantically in his sky blue robe.
In his hands he held clutched a book slightly less ragged than himself.
Through the gigantic jungle of the unguro he ran for his life.
But not from the terrible beast or the mammoth sized dinosaurs.
He ran away from something even more dangerous than that.
With a thunder a tree collapsed right next to him.
He fell down and watched as the tree fell unnaturally down to another tree right in front of him. Somehow the impact caused the tree to fall in the old man’s direction.
Incredibly nimble for a man his age he jumped up and ran away from the tree,
Right into the chest of a another man.
He wasn’t old, or at least he didn’t look like it.he didn’t wear a robe but a simple yellow garment, and his wild white hair waved back a and forth as if by some kind of a force. His eyes glowed blue with magic. A smile flickered on his face.
„Where do you think you are taking my book, alistraphus?“ He asked wrily.
„Stay back the old man pleaded and fell back.“
Wisim took a step forward, „why would someone such as you be interested in my book?“
The old man looked at wisim, full of fear, „don’ kill me, I only wanted to do good with the book.“
Wisim bent down and came not further than an inch away from the man’s face.
„And when has infinite knowledge done any man any good?“
„I,,i.i only intended to“, the man stuttered.
„You paladins and priests always want to do some good and end up on doing something worse“.
„How is distributing infinite knowledge wrong? Have you any idea how many lives your book could save?“
Wisim grinned: „No but I bet I can find out.“
The old man clutched the book, „this knowledge is not yours, its for the world.“
„Knowledge is like gold, it can never be equally shared“, wisim said dryly
„Now give me the book alistraphus.“
The old man began to hand it over, his hands shaking, but the retracted the book, opened it and asked quickly: „how can I get out of,,,,,“
Wisim slammed his hands to the ground,, the treeas around them fell down in a circle and the grass moved to some peculiar lines.
The old man screamed and disappeared with a lightning, leaving only dust and the book he had stolen.
Wisim looked at the book and asked: „will he be all right?“
The book opened and on an unused page letters formed from thin air.
Yes. He was transported to sentinel hill second floor of the ruined tavern. He will die in the loving hands of his grandparents after three years. His hair will go gray in two weeks and he will damn you for it but won’t do anything about it. After two years a piece of wheat will fall on him and his daughter will..
„ Yes Okay okay, didn’t ask for his life story“ , he grabbed the book and closed it, a simple yes would have been enough.
„You’re wrong old man“ he thought as he walked through the jungle.
„Knowledge is not for everyone, its for the strong and the just , the worthy. Knowledge is the ultimate power. And power is not for everyone.“
Wisim walked away from the scene and into the jungle, carrying the book of answers.
He left behind a strange magical circle of trees and grass, identical to exactly four others.
„Only one to go, only one to sow, only one to go and this will all be over“, he sang over and over again.
End of part two
The next part is:
A devilminded dream
skemmtið ykkur í sumar„fríinu“
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.