hey :D
Ég ætladi ad búa til annan kall og ætla lvl hann i 60 hvada class er madur fljótastur ad lvla og hvada class er skemmtilegasti classinn…:D
Calculations are made with the assumption that the druid has the Thick Hide Talents. Therefore, all base armor stats are multiplied by 4.7. Why 4.7? This is an issue that many nubs fail to understand. Druids with Thick Hide gain a 370% BONUS to armor, which means they are gaining 370% more armor on top of the armor already granted by the base stat. Therefore, the base stat counts as 100%. The total of this would be 470%, thus 4.7 is the number used to calculate the bear form value. THIS IS NOT A TOPIC FOR DEBATE. THIS IS FACT. If you have an issue with this method of calculation, please do not read any further and consider yourself a total nubface. Enjoy this fantasy shopping list of ultimate Feral Druid items!
Getur ekki bara sagt eitthvað svona þó að einhver guildmember vinur þinn sé í slöppum gear.Lestu undirskriftina mína. Stór hluti af mínu wow exp er af því að spila druid í nokkuð góðum gear miðið við hversu mikið ég hef raidað. Þannig að ég hef alveg góða hugmynd um hvað ég er að tala um.