Daginn hugarar.
Á www.worldofwarcraft.com fann ég þetta í Under development.
Floating above the Plaguelands, the necropolis known as Naxxramas serves as the seat of one of the Lich King's most powerful officers, the dreaded lich Kel'Thuzad. Horrors of the past and new terrors yet to be unleashed are gathering inside the necropolis as the Lich King's servants prepare their assault. Soon the Scourge will march again…
Coming in patch 1.11 is Naxxramas, a new 40-man raid dungeon that will present even the most experienced and powerful players with an epic challenge. Stay tuned for more announcements about this coming addition to the World of Warcraft!
Vissi eitthver af þessu? Ég var bara að taka eftir þessu fyrst núna. Ef eitthver hefur eitthverjar aðrar upplýsingar um þetta, gæti sá aðili gefið link =) Þá er ég að tala um items, mobs, bossa (veit aðal bossin =P )og svona. Verður þetta erfiðara en AQ 40 and so on and on and on… endilega, henda einum link í mig, en ekki of fast (aulahúmor)