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Sixteenth chapter a revelation of brothers

Arlokk was only a blur to Ankthar,the troll moved so fast. Ankthar tried to dodge or block but arlokks attacks seemed to come all at the same time. There was no way he could dodge them all.
Arlokk moved in a circle and attacked Ankthar at any given opportunity which were quite many.
Although the initial wounds were superficial arlokk soon began targeting ankthars critical spots.

And then it was always the matter of the panthers.
The panthers charged after arlokk utterly unable to keep up with his speed.
But when they reached Ankthar they posed even a greater threat than before because now Ankthar was constantly hit with arlokks raking claws.
He put his axe in front of to gain some sort of defense against the panthers.

Ankthar felt every rake, every swipe every bite and every push, and yet there was nothing he could do.
This situation continued for what seemed like an eternity to Ankthar.
But suddenly arlokk stopped her attacks and jumped a few meters back.
Ankthars breath was heavy and painful and he nearly fell over with exhaustion and pain.

„nyhaha I think me keep ya alive fa interrogation elfmon, afta what ya did ta me , ya deserve something mo horrible than death“she said in a changed deep voice, fitting to her catlike figure.

Ankthar held his axe out in front of him and said threateningly,„Just you try, as long as I have a breath in my body I wont give up to you.“
„Impressive “arlokk said before she charge the second time and cut Ankthar deeply in the face and then screamed: „BUT FUTILE.“

Ankthar fell down gasping for air and felt the deep cuts that lay from his right forehead down to his left cheek.
„Just lie down, your friends won’t even know you failed,“arlokk smiled, „they’ll be too dead. “
Ankthar lay there for one second, getting his breath back,letting the pain get the better of him for a moment and then proceeded to standing up.
He was in a weak position he knew that, he couldn’t win that troll monster, but if he couldn´t then who would. No he had to protect Exen´tor in some way or the other.
He stood up shaking on his feets, raising his axe in front of him with two hands.

„I wont lie down!for the sake of brotherhood I wont lie down“,he said through his half torn mouth.
„Ye stubborn elf dwarfs a’ sposed ta be stubborn not elfs ya fool“, arlokk said and charged directly at Ankthar with the claws at the ready.

Ankthar exhaled,and yelled: „I AM NOT AN ELF!“
Arlokk attacked Ankthar directly at his head, with enough power to slice off his head.
But Ankthar changed at an incredible speed into his dwarfen form,evading arlokks attack completely and using arlokks own momentum to half stabbed half slashed arlokk through, slicing him in half.
Arlokk fell down with shock and pain on his changing face.

And Ankthar stood there over him and said through the blood, the gore and the mortalizing pain he felt throughout his body: „i´m Ankthar.“

The two panthers growled confused and angry, their master had been killed, an eternal mortal sin for any living thing in the eyes of any pet.
Something however was changed for them, but not enough to decrease their rage towards the elf who had just turned into a dwarf before their eyes.
The charged the dying dwelf.

Ankthar looked at them wit a sad eye ,raised his axe and made quick work of the first panther with a swing, but the second was quicker then he had expected, and jumped at him.

Ankhtar blocked the panthers gaping maw with his axe and fell down with the panther on top.
He looked upon death incarnate over him, caught his eye, and death looked right back.
A connection was made.

„EXEN’TOR!“ Mizra screamed in unison with Ankthar as Exen’tor disappeared through the trapdoor.
And while she felt despair and loss of hope Ankthar went completely berserk,shooting in every direction before he triggered another trap.
„Ankthar “she yelled out as she frose the air around for Ankthar and possibly saved a few bones but not enough to save him from the large drumb.

She could only hope that he managed himself because right now she was facing a whole corridor full of trolls gloating about their luck.
One of them jumped down and through the hole Ankthar had made with two panthers in tow.
Mizra breathed a bit easier knowing that they wouldn´t go after Ankthar unless he had some change of survival and then looked upon the hopeless situation.

At least two hundred trolls were clustered around the walls in the corridor aiming bows, spears, or anything projectible at her.

For a moment she was doomed, she couldn´t hide from the attacks that came from every direction and she had nowhere to hide.
Yet she just stood there and watched the deadly missiles coming her way.
And then the first one disintegrated, as if pierced by multiple stabs and fell down in as splinters.

So did all the others. As soon as they were in the approximate if one meter range they were destroyed and crumbled into pebbles or splinters.
The trolls stunned as they were continued firing but in vain.
Nothing came close to even hurting her as she stood there smiling, looking at the trolls as if the were kids with little sticks.
She raised her right hand while under the heavy bombardment,with a bright shining light gleaming from it, and revealing with power the glistening shield that surrounded her by a meter radius.

„Its too hot in here,“she said,and thrusted her hand to the ground while shouting: „CHILLED LAND.“

And from the power that was thrusted down to the ground a athick layer of ice formed and spreaded out.
Over the floor up the walls ,over many of the stunned trolls, encasing their feets in ice rendering them immobile.
Mizra raised her left hand in front of her and a ball of ice formed before her, „CHILLED SPEARS“ she screamed and the ball exploded before her and out came multiple little spearheads of ice that shot towards any troll in the vicinity.
And all those who couldn’t move out of the iced deaths way were pierced fatally by them. Seventy trolls died instantly leaving only about a score left.

The battle had suddenly changed from an easy killing to a quick death for the trolls.
Mizra who had been bowing to reach the ground stood up, smiled and said with delight: „ahhh can you smell the clearness of the air? There’s just something about cold air that makes it fresh you know.“

A troll jumped at her from one of the balconies in the corridor with his axe at the ready although he probably wouldn’t survive the fifty meter fall.
An ultimate sacrifice for the tribe.

Mizra looked his way and he froze in mid air.
„You’re probably wondering how I did that aren´t ya? she asked conceited Well it’s quite simple really;
Throughout this entire room I conjured thousand strings of ice that are now covering your body and holding it in place.you can´t do anything to save yourself but rely on my good will. “
She smiled a glowing smile thatb would meltthe heart of any man and said with care and some kind of love:

most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.