„One hit him in the shoulder, another in his third leg and one scratched his face.“
þeir sem ekki vita hvað the third leg er ættu kannski bara að sleppa þessu og far beint yfir í kaflann en fyrir ykkur hina klámfengnu sjómenn þá skal það tekið frekar skýrt fram að exen'tor hefur hvorki né verður nokkurn tímann skotinn í hásæti karlmannsins.
setningin ætti þess vegna að koma svona fram: „one hit him in the shoulder another his leg and the third scratched his face.“
sú staðreynd að enginn hefur talað um það sýnir hversu siðprúðir lesendur mínir eru.
en maður hlýtur að spyrja sig: ætli einhver hafi verið skotinn beint í karlinn?
veit ekki, kannski á þessi umræða ekki heima hérna en annars ansi skemmtileg pæling finnst mér.
Thirteenth chapter the battle of awakening part one
Exen´tor woke up on a dusty, carved stone floor.
There was no source of light so he couldn’t know any details about the carvings, not that he cared for them with those wounds all over his body.
The arrows were still deep in him, they didn’t pose any fatal threat as of now but if the wounds got infected they could become lethal.
But the nearly fatal wounds ,the head splitting ache in his skull, and the fact that he seemed to have landed on a pointy nibble were nothing compared to what was crawling on his chest.
„Why couldn’t you just die?“ He spat out
„Well there’s always the matter of me landing on your squishy head instead of you landing on mine“ Mesfer replied equally disgusted.
„Just get off me will ya “
Exen’tor stood up, slowly, nearly climbing up the wall and lit a small fireball.
Things didn’t look so good for him.
The arrow in his shoulder had broken.
The one in his leg still stood out.
His left hand was broken in two places.
He felt lightheaded and his vision blurred in and out.
And Mesfer was standing near his ear and shouted seemingly as high pitced as he could: „bloody blood elf we need to get ready, they’ll send someone to check out for us.“
„Shut up I need a moment here“ Exen’tor said and prepared to pull the arrow from his leg.
He counted to three: „one two three“, and then with a quick jug he pulled the arrow out.
Excruciating and paralyzing pain sundered through his body and he cursed in every tongue he knew:„ quarash kvarakti kmakkte surganate blasted bloody hell!“
As he began to be able to focus once more he heard the voice of Mesfer going on:„ and what if they heard you? you’re gonna get us killed you …“.
„Relax will you“,exen’tor said surprisingly comforting, „we’re gonna get out of this. We’ll just be real silent for now on.“
„I be afraid that no mo possible Mon “a troll voice said in the dark.
„Who’s there? “Exen’tor screamed and shut the fireball down
„that be only me mon“
„I told you you should be quiet“! Mesfer shrieked at exen’tor
„Afraid that be of no importance mon“
A terrifying low pitched shriek came out of nowhere.
„I be high priestess jeklik of tha prime bat aspect, spirit of tha nanthalor , guardian of zul’gurub. I be your executioner today.“
„Hold it!“ Mesfer squeeked
„Wha be das mon?“
„I refuse to be horribly tortured and mercilessly slaughtered by someone about as cheesy as paladin in a dead mans hat funeral. “
„I be sorry but that be not your decision mon. death picks his appointments befarhand.“
„Shut it“, exen’tor whispered harsly, „your giving him up your location, not that i´d mind but your location is also mine.“
„I told you already mon, that be of no importance “the troll said decisively and threw something at the pair.
In the darkness Exen’tor moved by instinct and dodged the first projectile only to be hit in the face by the following one.
But instead of hurting or killing him instantly it splattered around his face and hardened around his eyes. It burned like acid.
„That be only guano mon“ the voice shrieked.
„What in lights name is guano?!“
„Believe mo you donts wants ta know.“
„Ya weak people be no match fo tha might of tha revoked gurubashi.afraid dis be tha last of yous.“ The voice was becoming more and more low pitched by the second.
Something began a flight towards the pair.
It shrieked with terrible fervor and madness.
Desperately Mesfer threw a fireball up in the air to see what was going on.
And he saw it.
A bat.
A monstrous bat with wings as big as a gryphon and head like some kind of a mutated hound was somersaulting them with fangs poised to strike.
But the sudden fireball confused the bat so that it missed its target and landed on the wall behind Exen’tor and Mesfer.
„Exen’tor! It’s a bat it’s a bat! “Squeeked Mesfer, „get your ass up and do something!
I’m blinded you blasted imp what do you want me to do?“
„Anything! Throw a shadow bolt to your right.“
Exen’tor began casting a shadow bolt when Mesfer noticed another charge by the bat directly in front of them and screamed: „in front of you!“
Exen’tor released the ball and it landed directly in the bats face causing it to falter and fall down.
„Yay we hit it!“
„Shut up and tell me where it is now “exen’tor commanded and prepared another bolt.
„To the left!“ Mesfer screamed and exen’tor cast the bolt to the left into the open darkness.
„No the other left you blind fool.“
„Shut it“
Exen’tor barely dodged the next charge and threw a fireball somewhere in the darkness.
And thus they fought.
Mesfer shouted commands at Exen´tor, became his eyes, and Exen´tor grudgingly did as he said.
„Shoot left!“
„shoot damn it shoot!“
After a few minutes of this game exen’tor was quickly getting tired.
It did not fair well with his broken hand to constantly throw himself to the rocky ground. Plus he’d gotten a stone in his shoe.
„Mesfer! He yelled“
What? DUCK!
„Hrmmpph tell me, how many times have we hit the bastard?“
„You mean, LEFT! , beside the first time we hit him?“
„Yes of ,,“
„JUMP! ““
Ahhrmp of course
„Wel…l we were really close to hit him this one time..“
„You mean to tell me we haven’t hit him once?“
„well ,DUCK! SHOOT LEFT!, yes that’s about it. its pretty dark in here you know.“
„Say those things sooner you bastard!“ Exen’tor screamed and spew forth a fire nova , burning everything near them and lighting fires all around.
Suddenly the cave was very well lit.
„well that certainly improves the situ..IN FRONT OF YOU“
„JUST DIE “ Exen’tor screamed and cast a dark shadow ball to the charging bat.
Sounds of snapping bones were heard and the bat was hurled to the wall about 40 feet away where it smashed on its head.
It fell down and lay there.
„Is it dead? “Exen’tor asked.
„No, no I don’t think so.„“
And indeed the bat began to transform. It metamorphosed quite quickly from the black ugly bat to a female troll in a white gown carrying a metallic staff.
She rose up, her fair(by trollish standards of course) face was disfigured with rage.
Blood from a wound on her forehead covered half of her face.
„Ya bastids!“
She charged forward with the staff at the ready.
„FIRE AHEAD! Yelled Mesfer.
Exen’tor threw “ a fire ball straight ahead but jeklik jumped over it towards Exen’tor with the staff ready to strike.
Too late did Mesfer warn him but in time to save him from the lethal bash. The staff landed heavily on Exen´tor right shoulder
Exen’tor staggered back but the troll kept on hitting him, Aiming for Mesfer.
He jumped around Exen’tors head but was in the end he’s bashed by the staff to the wall where his bones broke with a terrifying cracking sound.
The troll then focused on Exen’tor and Exen’tor blind as he was could do little to block the attacks.
Hits rained upon him and he couldn’t even form a spell. Finally Jeklik bashed him down with a massive uppercut.
Exen’tor fell on his back and all wind was struck out of him.
Jeklik raised the staff and prepared herself to strike the final blow.
She put a dark shadow enhancement upon the end of the staff and said not so wittily: „die like ya friends ha’ died, as a dog mon“
And she thrust the staff down.
On pure instinct, Exen´tor grabbed the staff above the enhancement.
The shadow corrupted end was mere inches away from his face.
It was now a battle of strengths. And Exen´tor was losing.
He felt something touch his broken left hand lying on the floor.
„Give in Exen’tor just give in“ the broken imp’s voice said.
„There’s no time for buts, do you want to live?“
The imp began sinking into the skin of Exen’tor hand.
„I thought so“ Mesfer said , possibly smiling.
Things happened fast after that.
The high priest thrust down intent on killing Exen’tor now before he did whatever they were plotting.
But it was too late for that.
Exen’tor did indeed lose grip of the staff and it did indeed land on his face with force and dark energies enough to kill him instantly.
But its hard to land a serius hit on something harder than steel. And when you drain power from demonic sources it’s hard to harm you with some feeble shadow enhancement.
Half of exen’tors body had metamorphosed.
His left side was now completely dark with devilish green cracks on the crumpled skin.
Half of his face was normal and blind but the other half was dark and devilish with a glistening green fire instead of eyes.
He took hold of the staff with his left hand broke it like a twig.
The devilishly corrupted face made a devious smile right before screaming with utter hatred and anger: „LET THE BATTLE BEGIN FOR REAL, SHOW US THAT YOU’RE WORTHY OF HIIS SACRIFICE! “
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.