jæja þetta er mín fyrsta spunasaga, ég nota ekki endilega bæi úr WoW en…, ég ELSKA að lesa svona sögur here it goes:

Once there was a baby tauren conceived in a small village called “Farh-Kilhad”. His father was not there at the time he was born…he was too busy fighting off the night elf scum attacking. But when the father cam back almost 1 hour later, he said "This baby boy shall be called 'Shadowfaxx' and shall be in touch with his spirits. As the boy grew older he became stronger and was very wise. His mother was worried because the father was always fighting and never had time for Shadow.

One day as Shadow was playing with magic, his father came to him and said “Where did you learn this spell”? Shadow replied “Grandpa tought me it”. “So your almost 17, that means you have to choose your destiny” Shadow gave this a lot of thought, but one day he came out of his tent and said: "I want to be a Shaman! His father was rather angry because he thought Shaman's were pussies, but his mother and grandpa all cheered. There was a celebration on the 17th year of Shadow's life, beacuse then..then it would happen, all the taurens in the village that were turning 17 would choose there class. There was dancing, a great fire and singing. The chief came and said: Too all of those that are 17 please walk here in a straight line please! As the first tauren came, that Tauren wanted to be a warrior as the taurens slowly went out of the group then it was his turn. “What class do you want to be?” said the chief, he replied “A…a…a Shaman sir”. Ahh another Shaman…EXCELLENT!

þetta er bara Kafli 1.
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