“You see.. when the daddy tauren loves the mommy tauren..”
“I put on my robe and wisard hat!”
Haha :D
Female Night Elf: How close are you to dinging?
Male Night Elf: Close, so close…
Female: Me too.
Male: Ok let's grind it out, come on…we might ding at the same time…
Female: Ok, one last thrust, when this one goes down I'm gonna ding!
Male: Ding! Whew, that was fun!
Female: Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! WHEW OMG I'm gonna need to buy a lot of new spells…
Male: OMFG Not fair! Nerf Females.