Phase 2 of the migration program will start on Monday October 10th and last until Friday October 14th. As in phase 1, migration will only be open between 03:00 and 15:00 CEST each day, and we may close migration prematurely due to realm population.

The below realms will be included in phase 2. The destination realms will be announced when the migration opens, but will be either among the three realms opened for phase 1 (Magtheridon, Neptulon, Twisting Nether) or completely new realms.

Burning Blade
Skullcrusher Thundgot

Jæja, þá er víst hægt að færa kalla burt af Burning Blade (og deathwing ^^) sjálfur er ég nokkuð viss um að ég færi hunterinn minn á einhvern af þessum þrem… eru einhverjir frá BB sem eru að pæla í að færa? ef svo á hvaða server?