Huh ég var að skoða og hér er fullt um paladin sem meikar ekkert sens (fyrir mig allavegann

V1.7 Patch Notes - Deathwing @ 5:03:08 EDT
Finally, the patch notes for V1.7 of World of Warcraft has been released. So, major changes?

* Paladin gains a ranged attack.
* A new 20 man high end instance.
* A new battleground.

Ekki get ég notað Ranged!

(Last Updated 4-18-2004)
Af hverju var þetta tekið út?

Fist of Justice -Instant
Target: Enemy
Fist of Justice is a powerful shot ranged instant attack ability that stuns the opponent. Being instant, it can be cast at any time, and is thus a superb way of stopping the enemy from casting spell. Due to its high cooldown time, the ability can only be used once in each battle. Thus it should be saved for critical times, such as when the enemy attempts to heal himself, or about to kill a friendly ally. With a short range, the ability is also great are stopping fleeing troops right on their tracks.

Req Lvl 10 - 24 - 34


Healing Aura -Aura
This Aura can only be used in non-combat situations. That is, it automatically switches off in the Paladin is attacked, or makes an attack. It increases the Hp regeneration of all players and is useful for reducing downtime, especially when you've lost a small amount of health that you don't want to waste a piece of bread on

Lvl - 4 - 16 - 25