eg var ad skoda heima sidu WoW ( ) og las frettina Pre-Paid Game Cards

Pre-Paid Game Cards
Ryann, 25/02/2005
The European pre-paid game cards will be in stores very soon. The official date for their availability is March 4th, but it’s likely that some retail outlets will have the cards a few days earlier so keep your eyes peeled over the next few days.
Each card will provide a 60-day subscription to the game and will be available at a suggested retail price of 26.99€/£18.49 through the same retail outlets as the full game.

Please note that the World of Warcraft pre-paid card code can only be used once. We therefore strongly recommend that you check that the packaging is secure, and/or that the scratch-off strip on the back of the card is intact, before purchasing. As well as the game card, a full version of World of Warcraft and Internet connection will be required to play the game.

herna er meira :

spurningarnar eru:
munu þessi kort koma til islands?
hvad munu þau kosta?

available at a suggested retail price of 26.99€

og eg reiknadi ad þetta væriri samtals 2199 kr eda iettkad svolleidis og eg er eki ad fara borga t.d 3-4 Þ fyrir þetta!!!!