Hvað keumur til að kosta að spila leikin á mánuði ???
hvað mun kosta að spila wow á mánuði og ef það eru eithverjir innlendir sewerar sem kosta ekki neitt þá má alveg segja manni=)
After the initial free one-month subscription ends, players of World of Warcraft will be able to continue playing under one of three different subscription plans. The basic month-to-month subscription plan costs 12.99€ per month (£8.99 in the UK), while the three-month plan costs 11.99€ per month (£8.39 in the UK), and the six-month plan costs 10.99€ per month (£7.69 in the UK). World of Warcraft subscription fees can be paid with all major credit cards, many local cards, direct debit (such as ELV in Germany) and pre-paid game cards, the latter of which will be available in retail outlets where World of Warcraft is sold.