Það er búið að senda út Diablo II: Lord of destruction betuna. Eftirfarandi texti birtist á vefsíðu <a href="http://www.battle.net“ target=”_blank“>Battle.net</a>:
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We have selected the beta testers for the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Closed Beta. If you have been selected, you will be receiving an e-mail shortly. If you were not selected, you will not receive an e-mail. The CDs have been sent via Federal Express®. If you are one of the Beta testers, you should receive your Beta CD within the next few days. We would like to thank everyone for signing up. Please stop by our web site regularly for more updates on Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
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Auk þess er búið að kynna til leiksins nýja hluti, <a href=”http://www.blizzard.com/diablo2exp/screenshots/inaction/ss16.shtml“ target=”_blank“>Charged Items</a> og svo skjáskot af Unique Elite Item, <a href=”http://www.blizzard.com/diablo2exp/screenshots/inaction/ss17.shtml“ target=”_blank“>Eaglehorn (Crusader Bow)</a>.
Auk þess birtist <a href=”http://www.blizzard.com/diablo2exp/screenshots/800x/ss10.shtml“ target=”_blank“>þetta</a> skjáskot af Amazon að horfa yfir landsvæðin í norðurhluta Sanctuary.<br><br>Kv.
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<i>”Ég mun ekki fylgja lögum þyngdarlögmálsins þar til ég hef fengið alla þá virðingu sem ég á skilið"</i>
- Helmur the Almighty