Þetta er Copy - Paste af síðu Geoff Fraizer, webmaster Battle.net:
I like many different types of music but I especially hate Country, Offspring (I hate even having their name on my page), and Kiss groups.
If you think based on what I have here that I might like some other related group, feel free to tell me what it is. If possible pick out a few of their best songs for a sample. Some groups I just don't like even though some people say they are similar.
Music isn't like movies. It's pretty odd how people decide how they like it. It's pretty impossible to find music that everyone likes and that's a good thing. I love it when the groups I like are unheard of.
How I divide the groups up is totally jacked. I admit that. Some music it's difficult to say where it belongs.
Svo er listi yfir það sem hann líkar, og viti menn, hin íslenska Björk er á honum (kölluð BJork þarna).
Hann er mjög sniðugur maður. Hann setur upp algjört crapp, sendi í gær inn upptöku úr 3 ára gömlum þætti sem hann kemur í, en þessi filmubútur tengist uppáhaldi allra, Blizzard. Farið á <a href="http://www.shlonglor.com">www.shlonglor.com</a>.
The almighty Helm