þetta er það sem ég fann:
The Easy Way
After 1.04 was released, the number of steps to install all versions skyrocketed with 25 maps also being added to the mix. Here is a quick way to install all 4 versions of War3 on top of your installation. So, go ahead and have War3 installed and connect to Battle.Net to get the latest version; then unzip the following file into your War3 directory. It should create several directories for you: v101, v102, v103, and v104. All you then need to do is create shortcuts for the RUNWAR3.BAT in each of these directories (see the part below about creating shortcuts).
Note that the file to download to do this is 33 Mb - it may take a bit to download. Once you install this, however, you don't need *anything else* on this page! Have fun.
File: [52390] war3_v101-104.zip Size: 33 mb [DOWNLOAD FILE]
Description: War3 files for version 1.01 to 1.04 (# views=17080, # downloads=1542)
The Version 1.03 Maps
If you have 1.04 and had previously followed the steps, then you may need just the 1.03 maps. Here they are - and don't forget to update your RUNWAR3.BAT files (see below).
File: [52177] war3_103maps.zip Size: 5 mb [DOWNLOAD FILE]
Description: Maps for version 1.03 of War3 (# views=18128, # downloads=468)
okey en ég er ekki alveg að skilja þetta með : All you then need to do is create shortcuts for the RUNWAR3.BAT in each of these directories (see the part below about creating shortcuts).
Skil þetta ekki alveg ( see below, wtf?!?!)<br><br>———————————————-
Sjaldan fellur eplið
langt frá eikinni
Smá hugsun frá mér:
Oft er eikin á hól og eplið rúllar langt frá eikinni niður hólinn
Ice Demon.