Arena points:
"We want to provide some information about the direction of the Arena system. Upon the release of Wrath of the Lich King, players will find they are still able to access the Arena system at level 70 for rated matches. Those competing in the Arenas at 70 will still be able to attain items using Arena points and rankings; however, we do not currently plan to offer new items or titles for this bracket. Players who level past 70 will have their Arena points reset to 0 and be removed from all Arena teams in the level-70 bracket."
Posted by: Wryxian, a Blizzard Poster.
Honor Points:
"In order to make the transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King flow as smoothly as possible, all accrued honor points will be reset at the launch of the expansion. We do this to ensure select players do not have an unfair advantage at level 80 from stockpiling honor to instantly purchase the newest Wrath of the Lich King PvP rewards."
Posted by: Vaneras, a Blizzard Poster.
Honor marks:
" All Honor Tokens will be wiped as well. This reset should happen right before the launch of Wrath of the Lich King."
Posted by: Vaneras, a Blizzard Poster
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