Á ECTS þegar Blizzard sagðist ætla halda áfram í Warcraft heiminum þá héldu þeir tvo fundi til þess vegna hversu margir vildu komast á þá en fundirnir voru aðeins í u.þ.b 60 mín og núna í ár ætla þeir að halda 2 fundi sem báðir verða í heila 2 klukkutíma. Miklar pælingar hafa verið í gangi um hvað gæti tekið svona langan tíma og á warcraftiii.net fann ég þetta :
“ As always Blizzard are to be present at ECTS come September. They've promised an announcement back on 23 May of this year, a big announcement:
”Our next big announcement is at ECTS this September. It's not Starcraft 2 (the people who would be doing that are doing W3), but I can tell you without exaggeration that this is a HUGE announcement and one that will dominate coverage of the show.“
Big announcements need big conferences and Blizzard are to hold not one, but two conferences, back to back on the first day of the show (Sunday 2 Sept.). The first between 12:00 and 14:00 and the second from 14:00 to 16:00. They had to hold two with the announcement of Warcraft III as there were so many people wanting to attend but neither lasted for 2 hours, barely an hour. What can take two hours? They have implied two unannounced titles in the past but official announcements have only confirmed one. So sweeping statement time. One hour is for Starcraft 2 and then the next hour will be for…….? ”
Núna er það bara málið að bíða eftir ECTS og sjá hvað það er sem er verið að “hype-a” svona rosalega.
kv. Mandulis