Breytingar á Diablo 2 eru þessar:
Major bugs
Fixed copy-protection for various CD, DVD, and CD-R drives.
Barbarians wielding two potions are no longer prevented from entering games.
Socketed items were mistakenly and irreversibly de-randomized in 1.04. Now their gem effect values are taken from the upper end of their original (pre-1.04) random ranges.
Fixed all spell ranges. They were mistakenly reduced in v1.04.
Fixed a bug that prevented deleting some Characters.
Fixed numerous foreign language display problems.
Minor bugs
Fixed a bug in the trade screen when the Horadric Cube was open.
Duplicate ladder entries should no longer occur.
The Ladders scroll properly now when there are less than 999 entries.
Realm characters should no longer appear as robed.
Fixed a bug allowing users to appear in a channel twice.
If the user cannot connect to a default realm, a “Realm down” message is displayed.
Fixed the “packet sniffing” exploit used when gambling.
High-durability items no longer lose durability when you join a game after exiting or dying.
The Conversion skill no longer causes a monster counting error in the Den of Evil.
A prompt now appears informing the user to delete characters when they have greater than eight characters in a Realm.
Player profiles now have a link to their ladder records, if they are in the top 999.
A “connecting to realm” message was added.
Balance Changes
The Paladin's Concentration skill now enhances the damage of Blessed Hammer just as it did in 1.03. The damage displayed on the Character screen is correct, too.
The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.
The Amazon's Guided Arrow skill now enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.
Frábær plástur, sumir af göllunum sme voru lagaðir voru að pirra mig mjög.
Mortal men doomed to die!