Þar sem ég er ekki sá besti að þýða þá ætla ég að gera copy/paste af annari síðu um innréttingar og felgur o.s.fr.
“For shore leave the “sQuba” relies on a stainless coil-over suspension from KW automotive and large Pirelli tires mounted on custom-made forged light-weight wheels from AEZ with 17- and 18-inch diameters. But the “sQuba” is really at home in the water. To make the occupants feel at home there as well the innovative salt-water resistant interior from Strähle + Hess features genuine mother-of-pearl trim and diamond-plated non-slip inlays from KGS Diamond, normally used in high-tech abrasives. After all, ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friends.’ The high-tech VDO instrument cluster and controls create a futuristic ambiance and allow controlling all vehicle functions even while submerged.”
tekið af http://www.rinspeed.com/pages/cars/squba/pre-squba.htm
Tæknilegar Upplýsingar um bílinn.
Top Speed > 120 km/h
Acceleration 0-80 km/h 7.1 sec
Water speed > 6 km/h
Under water speed > 3 km/h
Dive depth 10 m
Street Electric
Power output max. 54 kW
at 4'500 /min
Torque 160 NM
at 1'500 /min
Water - Stern propellers Electric
Power output 2 x 800 W
Diving - bow jet drives Electric
Power output 2 x 3.6 kW Rotinor
Batteries Lithium-Ionen
Voltage 6 x 48 Volt
Fleyrri upplýsingar um hann hér: http://www.rinspeed.com/pages/cars/squba/pre-squba-td.htm
Afsakið enskuna hérna. Ég hafði það innan gæsalappa svo það ætti að vera í lagi.