nei… thad eru nyrri tegundirnar af STi.. thar sem dccd getur skipt a milli 50-50 og 41-59
Gømlu bilarnir eru allir med 50-50
tekid af The torque split set by the central epicyclical differential is 50-50 front-rear and serves well, in all conditions, the judiciously balanced and stiff body of the car.
Bætt við 21. janúar 2008 - 11:04 og herna fra With all four wheels driven all of the time, the Subaru always feels immensely secure, no matter how tricky the conditions. Torque is normally split 50/50 front/rear, but this is automatically varied when the central viscous differential detects wheelspin at either end of the car.
Fighting for peace is like Fucking for virginity, just plain stupid
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