The Savage X features a 4.07cc big block engine, 2-speed transmission, and 4 wheel drive. A chassis redesign provides a 5mm lower center of gravity than previous Savage designs and easy access to key components such as the gear box and differentials. Check out the specs and features on this Ready-to-Run nitro RC.
Savage X Dimensions:
Scale: 1:8
Length: 534 mm
Width: 427 mm
Height: 254 mm
Wheelbase: 336.5 mm
Tires: 159 x 85.5 mm
Suspension Travel: 152 mm
Savage X Engine Specs and Related Systems:
Type: F4.1 Big Block
Displacement: 4.07cc (.25ci)
Bore: 18.00 mm
Stroke: 16.00 mm
Max. Horse Power: 2.75
Sleeve/Piston: ABC
Carburetor: Slide, 7.5 mm Bore
Fuel Tank: 160 cc with rear fuel pickup and overflow channel
Air Filter: Dual Stage
Engine Mount: Cast Aluminum
Exhaust: Removable cone on tuned pipe
Savage X Transmission and Drivetrain:
Transmission: 2-Speed
Drivetrain: Full-Time Shaft-Driven 4WD
Clutch: 3-Shoe, dual slipper clutch with dual slipper plates and rubber pad
Brake: Adjustable Fiber Disk
Gear Differentials: 4-Bevel
Savage X Chassis and Suspension:
Chassis: 5 mm lower anodized aluminum X-Chassis
Suspension: Lightweight suspension arms with double wishbone wide track suspension
Shocks: 8 long stroke oil-filled shocks with 3 Shock mounting positions
Adjustable Turnbuckles
Savage X Body:
Body Style: GT-2 Monster Truck
Adjustable body post (for mounting other body shells)
Optional Nylon Roll Cage
Additional Savage X Features:
17 mm metal alloy hex hubs on wheels along with extra set of 14 mm hex hubs
Roto Start 2 electric starting system with built-in circuit breaker (Nitro Starting Methods)
HPI radio set with interchangeable frequencies and TF-3 Super Narrowband AM Transmitter
Fylgir með fjarstýring, áfyllingarbrúsi, rotostart + batterí, kertalykill, ýmsir aukahlutir sem fylgdu með t.d. ál mismunadrif, búið að setja í að aftan en fylgir með ósamsett að framan, búið að setja í hann stál spurgear + nýja kúplingsbjöllu. Sér aðeins á boddýinu eins og búast má við, keyrður svona 5-6 lítra í mestalagi, ný búinn að skipta um síu og gróftjúna hann eftir veturinn og hann keyrir mjög vel :D
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