ekinn 117þús km, beinskiptur, afturdrifinn, 150hö, 2.5"púst, ný sumardekk(205/60/15), rafmagn í rúðum, diskabremsur framan/aftan. mótor keyrður 25þús km, skipt um legur og mismunadrifshjól í drifi fyrir ca 2000km. lítur ágætlega út, tweeterar, hátalarar, spilari, magnari og keila í boxi. skoðaður athugasemdalaust 05. skemmtilegur bíll, 230þús stgr.
arnþór 8669081<br><br>_________________________________________________
ricer mods and masturbating are similar, seems like a good idea at the time but your really just screwing yourself. -onelastsin82

girls come and go your whole life, but your car will never just decide to walk away one day, all the money you put into your car will pay off when it is done. All the cash you spend on a girl can be wasted in an instant when she finds some other guy. -turbo7mn