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Top 10 reasons why I own a Jensen Interceptor according to Mitchell Schwartz
10. I like the smell of rotting carpet.
9. I love doors that won't stay open.
8. I own stock in an antifreeze company.
7. I own stock in a power steering fluid company.
6. I own stock in an oil company.
5. I own stock in a battery company.
4. I own stock in a fuse company.
3. I like drivng cars only in cold weather.
2. Perfection makes me sick.
1. I like meeting tow truck drivers.
What is the difference between your Interceptor and your wife?
If you had to, you could sell your wife!
Alltaf gaman af breskum bílum ;)
Og mig langar samt í Interceptor!<br><br><b><b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>Overkill just isn't enough…</i><br><hr></b>
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