amm meira svona tweak info á…Step 3: BF2 Tweaking
Reduce the Number of Punkbuster Checks: Punkbuster, as you probably know, is the anti cheating software which comes bundled with BF2 and is required to play on all ranked servers and most public servers. Punkbuster scans your hard-drive for problems every 20 seconds. As you may have guessed, this causes a lot of lag. What we are going to do in this fix is to increase the amount of time in between punkbuster checks to 500 seconds (the maximum amount so don't try anything higher lol). By the way, in case you were worried, this is 100% safe with punkbuster, and will NOT cause any problems with Punkbuster thinking you are a cheater. Punkbuster even recommends this fix on their website. To do this you need to:
1. Join any BF2 online server which is running punkbuster, preferably a ranked one.
2. Once you are in, and respawned somewhere, press the `~(Tilda) key. This key is located on most keyboards above the tab key and to the left of the 1 key.
3. A large white box should drop down with a load of text in it. Type pb_sleep500 and hit the enter key.
4. Once you have done this, make sure the box is still up and type pb_writecfg to save your settings…
E.S. Ég hætti eiginlega að nota etta ákveðna PB-“fix” þegar ég fattaði að í staðinn fyrir mörg lítil lögg á 20sek fresti þá fékk ég eitt huge lagg á 500sek (8min+20sek) fresti, sem er t.d. örugglega 100% líkur á “crash'n burn” ef þú ert á þotu eða þyrlu nálægt jörðu eða óvini. kannski bara nóg að hafa á 60sek fresti samt fer bara eftir smekk :P