Veit ekki alveg hvað er að hjá mér en þegar ég fer í bf2 þá sé ég btnet serveranna en ég kemst ekki inná. Kemur alltaf að ég sé ekki búin að update-a. Ég er með bf2patch_v_1-02-1.
Reyndar gerðist það þegar ég var að update-a þá kom patch failed og svo kom bara að ég það hafði náð að update-a hann ( er búin að reinstalla honum og dl aftur patchinum ), eitthvað sem ég er að gera rangt?
1. Double click the bf2patch_v_102.exe you downloaded, select you country and click Next.
2. Browse to your temp directory e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp and arrange icons by modified (note: you will need hidden folders to be visible - tools > folder options > view)
3. Open the folder with a name similar to {43604D32-1F10-4C64-A8F8-9324E19AF2C2} and copy all the files to C:\Patch (create this folder).
4. Click Start, Run, type CMD and press enter. At the command line type cd c:\patch and press enter. Then type patch.exe “C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2” - or where ever you installed it.
The command Window will then display a load of text saying it's applying changes to files etc. It does take a long time to finish though…have registered on this forum and typed this post and it's only just finished.
The command Window will say once it has finished - close it, along with the patch installer and go play Battlefield 2!
By the way, this is for the Patching Failed error.
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